Justin Foley [11]

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Your POV

I had currently just pulled up and parked in the driveway of Bryce Walker's house, wasting no time as I jumped out of my car and locked the door. Quickly, I made my way up the long pathway and pushed the large front door open, walking in. It was Friday night, meaning Bryce was having another massive party and I had decided to catch up on homework instead of going. That was until Zach had text me, saying Justin was completely wasted and needed to be picked up. As Justin's girlfriend and the only source person who Zach could message, I decided to come and pick Justin up.

I walked straight through the crowds of drunk teens and towards the sliding glass doors, taking me out into the garden. Immediately, I spotted the large group of Jocks sat on chairs surrounding the pool and made my way towards them.
"Hey guys." I smiled as I reached the group.
They all said hey and then Justin, in his clearly drunk and possibly high state, noticed me.
"Oh my godd baby hi, you look so fucking hot!" He slurred, making grabby hands like a toddler, trying to get me to come closer to him.
"Oh God Justin, are you high?" I asked, making my way towards him and grabbing his hand to drag him up off of his chair.
"Maybeeeeeee." Justin giggled, clearly completely out of it.
"Guys, you let him get high?!" I groaned.
"Hey what else are we meant to do?" Bryce shrugged his shoulders, laughing lightly, "He just went all out."
"I'm just having a goooddddd time!" Justin grinned as I held his hand and began to guide him away from the group.
"Well, I'll see you guys later, bye." I waved as I dragged Justin by the side of the house and towards the front, to get to my car.
ignoring Justin's drunken rambling and complaining about my taking him home, I put him into the passenger's side seat of my car and put his seatbelt on. Getting into the driver's side, I began driving him back to my place, preparing for a long night of dealing with a drunken Justin.

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