Scott Reed [2]

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Your POV 

I finished getting changed after cheer practice and decided to go and see the boys who were sitting together on the side-lines talking.

Scott's POV

"So you and Y/N aye!" Justin joked.
"Shut up Foley!" I rolled my eyes, a slight blush forming on my cheeks.
"You didn't deny it." Zach smirked, "Oh are you blushing?"
"Oh I think he is!" Bryce laughed.
"Guys stop." I groaned, hiding my face in my hands.
"Not until you admit it!" Monty laughed.
"Fine! Fine!" I gave in, "I may have a small crush on her."
"Scott..." Zach laughed, waiting for the rest of my answer.
"Okay...It's just her smile and her laugh..." I smiled just thinking bout her, "She is so nice and she is like one of the only girls that isn't fake in this school...I just..."
"Gees Scott." Bryce grinned, "Calm yourself."

Your POV

I made my way closer to the boys and I could see Scott smiling like crazy. His smile made me smile. Zach noticed me and looked at Scott. No one else noticed me.
"Scott, we all wanna hear you say it!" Zach smirked, "Say it!"
"Okay fine!" He sighed, "I have a huge, hopeless crush on Y/F/N...In fact, I think I might love her..."
And with that Zach looked at me and Bryce also noticed me. My heart skipped a beat when he said that. He liked me? He actually liked me?
"Well, I hope you were planning to tell her..." Bryce laughed and Scott looked up, making eye contact with me.
"Oh shit...Y/N...Listen." He got up and walked towards me, "I know you don't like me...and that's okay..."
I cut him off, "How do you know that?"
He smiled slightly, "I just...I mean..You...I don't know..."
"Oh shut up Scott!" I smirked, "I like you too idiot!"
"Really?" He asked, in shock.
"No I was joking dumbass..." He looked sad, "Of course I was serious."
He smiled once again.

Without warning, I grabbed his top and pulled him closer to me, connecting our lips together. I could tell he was shocked at first, but after a few seconds, he kissed back. The kiss was so much better than I could imagine. His arms wrapped around my waist and I smiled into the kiss. The boys cheered and whistled as we kissed. I stuck my middle finger up at them as we kissed and after a few more moments we both pulled away.
"Pick me up at 7." I smirked, "There's this film I wanna see!"

After that, I turned on my heel and walked away, swaying my hips slightly.
"O-Okay!" Scott shouted to me and I quickly spun around and smirked at him before fully walking to the end of the pitch.
Cheers from the boys could be heard and I grinned like crazy, leaving the pitch, and heading home to get ready for 7.

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