Clay Jensen [3]

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Your POV 

I was sat on my bed with my boyfriend Clay and my best friend Jeff, completing our assignment we had to do together. Clay was sat just inches away from me with his free hand resting lazily around my hips whilst Jeff was sprawled across almost two-thirds of my double bed with a ballpoint pen in one hand and a notebook in the other.

As I scribbled down notes for my part of the project that I needed, I felt someone staring at me.
"What?" I grinned, making eye contact with Clay and he blushed.
"N-nothing." He shook his head a laughed lightly.
"And here we have a wild Clay Jensen not knowing how to flirt with his girlfriend." Jeff smirked as he looked up at us both.
"Oh shut up." Clay rolled his eyes jokingly and went back to writing down information on his page.

After a few minutes of silence and writing, I rested my head on Clay's shoulder.
"Y/N leans her head lazily on Clay's shoulder and he blushes a deep shade of red." Jeff narrated as he watched us.
"Do you have to narrate our whole lives." Clay raised his brow at him and laughed.
"Hey I have nothing better to do." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe do your part of the project." I grinned.
"Damn you got me there." He shook his head.
Jeff finally began to quickly scribble notes onto his almost blank page, still taking quick glances at Clay and I.

I finally finished up my notes and I began to glance at Clay, taking in his appearance. After a few moments, Clay must've felt me looking at his because his eyes met mine.  I smiled as we stared into each other's eyes and he raised his hand, going to brush a stray piece of hair away from my face.
"He leans in closer to her and slowly raised his hand, brushing a stray hair aw..." Clay cut Jeff off.
"Jeff I have had it up to HERE," Clay raised his hand as high as he could whilst laughing, "With you narrating my every move!"
I bust out into a fit of laughter as Jeff spoke, "I'm third-wheeling here okay, let me do my thing."
"Well 'do your thing' without being weird." Clay shook his head, laughing.
"I mean it is quite amusing." I giggled.
"You know what I'll narrate myself for you." Clay began, whilst getting up, "Now Clay is making his way towards the desk and sitting in the chair away from his annoying best friend and girlfriend so he can concentrate on the project that is due TOMORROW!"
Jeff and I both burst out into fits of laughter at what Clay had just said.
"I mean the project would've been done earlier if you hadn't both been 'busy' with each other every day this week." He smirked.
"That's not the point Jeff." Clay gave up.

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