•Dating Clay Jensen•

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•Dating Clay Jensen would include:

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•Dating Clay Jensen would include:

-You helping him to tutor Jeff after school
-After school Monet's dates together
-Him always passing you cute, cheesy notes/pick up lines in class
-You always putting them in your pocket to take home and keep
-Him always being super overprotective over you
-Very limited PDA except hand holding
-The only exception was if someone (Specifically one of the Jocks) tried to flirt with you
-Then he would be all over you, hugging and kissing you
-Him always surprising you with little gifts
- "Whoa Clay, I love it. What is it for? Is it a special occasion I should remember?"
- "No I just want to show you how much you mean to me"
-His parents loving you
-Movie marathons most weekends
-Late night phone calls and you both end up falling asleep together on call
-Him giving the best cuddles
-You being the only person he truly opens up to about how he really feels
-You always catching him at random points just staring at you smiling
-Him constantly catching you doing the same thing
-Falling more and more in love with him every time you look into his eyes
-Him always coming to yours early in the mornings before school because he enjoys watching you doing your makeup
-Studying together
-Always forgetting his mums leave the door open rule
-Forehead kisses
- "How did I get so lucky?"
- "Y/N I should be the one asking myself that"

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