Diego Torres [2]

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Your POV

I sat on the bleachers, watching the football team finish up training together. My brother, Charlie, was part of the team and I was waiting for him as he was my ride home. As I watched the group of boys running up and down the pitch, I noticed one specific boy taking quick glances at me. I knew the boy's name was Diego but we'd never really spoken before. I only knew him from brother talking about him. I smiled at him slightly and he noticed, smirking back slightly before going back to training.

The boys wrapped up training after a few more moments and I waited for Charlie to go and get changed so we could go home. I sat, scrolling through my phone for a while until I felt someone making their way towards me. I looked up, expecting it to be Charlie, but instead, I met eyes with Diego.
"Ohh hey." I smiled, sliding my phone into my back pocket, "What's up? Diego right?"
"Aha yeah and you're Y/N right?" He smiled, sitting down on the bleachers beside me.
"Yepp that's me." I giggled.
"Well, Y/N, we've never really got a chance to speak before." He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Hmm, that's true." I smiled.
"Well, I would love to get to know you a bit better, bet you have an amazing personality to match that gorgeous face." Diego smirked, causing me to blush slightly.
"Oh shh you're making me blush." I smiled, "I would like to get to know you too."
"Well, how about I take you out to Rosie's some time?" He suggested.
"Sounds good to me, how about after school tomorrow?" I suggested, trying to his my internal excitement.
"Sounds good to me, meet me outside in the Car park tomorrow then, I can't wait!" He smiled, getting up as Charlie began to walk over towards us.
"Ok, see you tomorrow." I smiled back, waving to him as he walked away.

"What were you and Diego talking about?" Charlie asked me.
"Oh nothing, he was just saying hey." I lied as I got up and we both walked off of the pitch and towards the car park to go home.

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