Scott Reed [3]

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You're Monty's sister in this and this is based at one of Bryce's parties.

Your POV

I sat on the sofa, waiting for my brother to turn up to Bryce's stupid party that he had pretty much peer pressured me to go to.
"Where's your brother?" Justin asked me.
"No clue, I think he said he had to pick up someone before he comes." I sighed, "If he doesn't turn up he's dead. I don't even want to be here."
"Oh you're not happy." Justin laughed slightly and I just rolled my eyes.

A knock at the door broke the slightly awkward convocation between him and I and he went to answer it.
"Ay man so you did decide to turn up." I heard as he opened the door.
"Yeah I had to pick up Scott." The familiar voice replied and Justin let him in.
"Oh so you did turn up then." I laughed, getting up to hug him as I hadn't really properly seen my brother in a few days and we had always been pretty close.
"I forced you to come so I guess I had to." Monty joked slightly, pulling away from the hug and looking at Scott, "Have you met Y/N?"
"No, I don't think so." Scott looked at me and smiled, "Hey."
"Hi." I giggled slightly.

*Time Skip*

After introductions, I ended up slumping back into my corner of the sofa and scrolling through my phone. 

By this point of the evening, everyone had gone outside except Scott and I. There was something about Scott that intrigued me. He sat on the other end of the sofa, playing some console game I had seen the other guys play before. He seemed different to the other guys and after the ongoing debate in my brain, I finally decided to break the silence and learn more about him.

"So how come I haven't seen you around before?" I slipped my phone away and shuffled up a bit closer to him on the sofa.
"Oh um I'm kind of new around here I guess." Scott said, pausing his game, "I'm surprised Monty didn't tell you about me, he told everyone else."
"He hasn't been home in days and he's hopeless with texting me so we haven't really spoke." I sighed attempting to think of the last time my brother and I had actually had a text convocation.
"Oh you live together?" Scott looked a bit surprised and I gave him a confused look.
"I mean yeah...I've been living with him for nearly 17 years, bearing in mind he's my brother." I laughed.
"Oh he's your brother." Scott exclaimed, "Makes sense now."
"Who did you th...Wait oh god no you didn't?" I turned bright red realizing what he had thought the whole time.
"I mean you hugged him and I don't know gees sorry." Scott went equally as red as me.
"Oh my nopeee!" I cringed, "I'm very VERY single and I ain't into weird shit like that."
"You're single? How?" Scott looked slightly shocked.
"Every guy around here is a fuck boy or wants a quick thing. I ain't really into that." I smiled, "I want a genuine relationship I guess aha."
"Not every guy around here is like that, now anyway." Scott smirked slightly and let out a laugh.
"Are you trying to suggest something." I raised a brow and laughed too, "Don't know if Monty would like that."
"Hey you're the one who said it, not me." He shrugged and I playfully punched him, "Oww."
"Oh shut up that didn't hurt." I rolled my eyes playfully, "Anyway as much as I'm enjoying this convocation I better go check on the drunken group of guys in a pool. Don't want any of them drowning do we?"
Scott laughed at my response as I got up and headed towards the back garden. 

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