Justin Foley [8]

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Your POV

My best friend, Justin, and I were laying in my bed, watching a movie together. Justin had been my best friend since preschool and our relationship was almost perfect. The only problem was that I liked him, a lot. It was stupid! I mean, we had known each other for most of our lives and I had liked him for almost three years now. Of course, I couldn't do anything about it, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Justin would never like me in that way and I knew that. It was just difficult, trying to hide all of my feelings and emotions.
"What's up?" Justin mumbled, taking his eyes off of the film and facing me.
"Nothing, why?" I raised my brow, bringing myself back to reality.
"You seem...off. I've known you for long enough that I know that there is something wrong." He replied and I jokingly rolled my eyes, knowing that he was right.
"I hate it when you're right." I pouted causing Justin to giggle.
"Hmm that's a problem because I'm usually right." He shrugged and I playfully hit his shoulder.
"Yet again, I hate it when you're right." I sighed and fake pouted.
"Anyway, are you going to tell me what's up." Justin asked and I gave in.
"It's just...I like this guy right." I began, "But he's a good friend of mine and I just...I know I have no chance but I don't know what to do."
"Oh..." Justin began, "I mean you should just tell him. Otherwise he will end up falling for someone else and you will lose your chance."
"What's up Justin?" I asked, noticing the genuine sadness that had filled his voice.
"It's just...I like this girl and I guess I just found out I lost my chance." He sighed, looking into my eyes.
A blush filled to my cheeks and my eyes glanced down to his lips and back to his eyes.
"Kiss me." I said and Justin smirked slightly before shuffling closer to me.
He lent in and connected our lips and butterflies exploded in my stomach. The kiss was short but filled with love. After a few moment, Justin pulled away and so did I.
"Would you maybe like to be my girlfriend?" Justin asked, grinning like crazy.
"I would love to be." I giggled, connecting our lips once again.

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