Alex Standall [1]

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You are Justin's sister in this.

Your POV

Justin and I made our way up the cobble path and he knocked on the large door. Justin was coming to Bryce's house, like he normally did after school, but he was bringing me this time. I knew Bryce but I didn't know the others. Bryce flung the large door open and smiled at Justin.
"Bro!" He laughed and then glanced at me, "Ohh Y/N!"
"Hi." I smiled back, giving him an awkward hug.
"Boyyysss, Justin bought his sister!" Bryce yelled, letting us in.
The 3 of us made our way towards Bryce's living room, where a few guys were slumped on sofas or beanbags. 

"Well hello pretty lady!" A brown-haired boy smirked and I frowned slightly.
"Monty! Nope! That's my sister!" Justin growled and a smile covered my lips once again.
"Hi, I'm Zach!" Zach smiled, getting up and going to hug me.
I took the offer and was pulled in for a tight hug by a man who toppled over me.
"And then...This is Alex." Bryce pointed to the blonde-haired boy who had caught my attention, the moment I had entered the room.
"I'm not incapable, I can say my name!" Alex rolled his eyes, pausing his video game and smiling up at me.
"I'm Alex." He laughed lightly.
"Y/N!" I smiled.

At this point, all of the boys had sat down. Justin had sat next to Alex, but I pushed Justin over, stealing his controller and smiling at Alex.
"Hey!" Justin groaned.
"Ladies first!" I grinned and Alex laughed.
Oh, his laugh made me laugh...
"Game?" I smiled.
"You're on Foley!... Wait can I say that?" Alex laughed.
"I mean yeah but Justin may get a little confused." I laughed, "Althoughhh...I am the most important Foley in this room!"
"Can't deny that one!" Alex smirked.

"Ooo!" Bryce laughed and whispered something to the other guys.
"Nope! Not happening! Nope!" Justin frowned, confusing both Alex and I.
"I mean bro out of all of us!" Zach laughed.
"I mean I guess...But no!" Justin groaned.
"What are you guys on about!?!" I whined.
"Nothing princess, don't worry your pretty little mind!" Monty smirked.
"Don't patronize me." I rolled my eyes, "I really don't find people like you attractive."
All of the boys laughed and I turned back to Alex and we began our game.

*Time Skip*

By this point in the evening all of the boys had gone outside to the pool, except Alex. We finished our game and of course Alex won and I groaned.
"Practice makes perfect." Alex smiled triumphantly.
"No fair! You need to teach me!" I smiled, "Pleaseeee?"
"Okayyy fine!" Alex got up and sat behind me slightly, so I was in-between his legs.

 I hardly knew this boy but fireworks still went off when he touched me. He put his controller down and put mine into my hands. He placed his hands on top of mine and shew me the controls for the game.
"So this button is to shoot." Alex guided my finger towards the right button, "And this is to run."
"...Right..." I memorized the buttons and smiled, "Okay I think I'm ready to play another game."
"Okay." Alex grabbed his controller, wrapping his arms around me so the controller was in front of him. 
We began our game.

Justin's POV

I jumped out of the pool, making my way towards the kitchen to get a drink. I slowly made my way through the backdoor, hearing mumbling from the living room. I glanced in, seeing Alex with his arms wrapped around my sister.

 I glanced in, seeing Alex with his arms wrapped around my sister

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I'll admit it was kind of cute and they both looked happy. Out of all of the boys, I defiantly trusted Alex...or Zach more than the rest of them with my sister. I heard footsteps and I heard Zach begin to talk very quietly.
"I mean they are cute you have to admit that." Zach said.
"Yeah I know...It's just brotherly instinct I guess." I frowned.
"If they ever did go out he would defiantly treat her well Justin. You know him. " Zach smiled, "Maybe it would be good for him to have some happiness in his life."
"Yeah I guess." I finally began to slowly warm up to the idea.
"Anyway let's go outside to the others come on!" Zach began to make his way outside.
I trailed along behind, leaving Y/N and Alex in the living room.

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