Clay Jensen [9]

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Slightly smutty I guess.

Your POV

I was currently sitting on top of Clay, making out with him on his bed. Justin was out, on his shift at Monet's, meaning we had the room to ourselves all-day. Taking the opportunity of a free room, we wasted no time, jumping onto each other the moment we were left alone. Our lips moved in sync as Clay's hands travelled underneath my t-shirt, running them up and down my bare sides. His touch sent electricity through my body and I moved my hands down, tugging at the bottom of Clays t-shirt, causing him to pull away from me for a second and pull it over his head. He threw it across the room and began pulling my top off, over my head, also throwing it across the room. Our lips collided once again and Clay pushed me over so I was laying on the bed and he could get in top of me.

As Clay's hands made their way behind my back to unclasp my bra, the door swung open and Justin quickly came jogging in.
"Oh fuck!" Justin half laughed as Clay jumped off of me and I used my arms to cover myself.
"What the fuck Justin! You're meant to be going to work." Clay gasped, grabbing his t-shirt and throwing it on.
He threw me mine and I sat up, quickly pulling it over my head.
"I forgot my bag." Justin continued to laugh, "Sorry man, didn't know you were getting some."
"Oh shut it Foley." I groaned, embarrassed by the whole situation.
"I'll let you guys get back to it now." Justin said, still laughing slightly, "I'm now traumatised.
"Hey, how many times have I walked in on you and Jess? Shut up!" Clay rolled his eyes as Justin walked away.
"Yeah well, you expect it from us, didn't expect it from you man." Justin joked as he walked out of the room and shut the door.

*Time Skip*

Clay and I drove down to Monets to pick Justin up after his shift and we sat in the car outside, waiting for him. Justin made his way towards the car and Clay rolled down the window.
"If I get in, I'm not going to disturb you guys again am I?" Justin smirked.
"Shut up and get in or I'll drive off and leave you to walk home alone asshole!" Clay groaned and Justin obliged, jumping in the back of the car.

The whole journey home was full of awkward silences and multiple times from Justin, resulting in giving him a dead arm by the time we got back to theirs.

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