Montgomery de la Cruz [6]

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This one is going to be really long (1301 words to be exact) and there will be mentions of rape so this is the trigger warning for you all. Please don't read this if you think it will trigger/upset you.
Also if you didn't know already, I began writing a Monty book and I would really appreciate if you would go and check it out. It's called Bad Reputation.

Your POV

I sat on the edge of my bed, shaking. I was unable to even express any feelings after the events that had happened just a few weeks ago. I couldn't even say the words, my mouth just wouldn't let me. I had asked Jess to come over and I planned on telling her.

"Hey, Y/N you need to talk to me, what's wrong?" My friend Jess, rubbed my back as I began to let out light sobs, thinking of the events.
"I-I can't." I choked, "I can't say it."
"Listen you can tell me anything." She half-smiled, "You are my best friend, I'll never judge you."
"O-okay." I took a deep breath before speaking once again, "You know Bryce's last party, the one before he left to go on holiday?"
She nodded in agreement.
"Well everyone was drunk and went out to the pool house together. I went to fill up my drink before I went out and Bryce came up behind me..." I stopped mid-sentence.
A feeling of sickness filled my stomach as I thought of saying those words. I didn't even need to finish my sentence as a look of sadness fell upon Jess's face as she looked at me. 
"Bryce raped you?" She asked, checking if her assumptions were right and all I could do was nod.

At that moment, a loud bang could be heard from outside my room and Jess jumped up. She swung the door open and looked out. 
"Shit..." She whispered.
"W-what?" I wiped my tear-stained cheeks and looked at her.
"Have you told Monty?" She looked at me, concern filling her eyes.
"N-no, I just can't." I looked down, "Why?"
"We need to get to school now!" She grabbed her bag and I jumped up grabbing mine, "That was him, he heard."

Monty's POV

I knocked on Y/N's front door, her mother answered. I came every day before school to pick Y/N up and we would go get coffee together on the way.
"Awh hello Montgomery, Y/N and Jess are upstairs." Her mother smiled.
"Thank you Mrs Y/L/N." I smiled, making my way upstairs.
I made my way up the stairs and I could hear Jess's voice as I got to Y/N's door. I stopped for a second, listening in to what was being said.
"Bryce raped you?" I heard Jess say and my heart stopped.
I awaited an answer from Y/N but the sound of sobbing was enough of an answer for me.
"Fuck." I hit the wall, anger building up inside me.
Without another word, I span on my heal and ran down the stairs to my car, he was going to pay for what he did to her.

*Time skip*

I slammed my car door violently, seeing Bryce's car pull into the school carpark. I clenched my fists and walked towards his car as fast as I could. As he got out and shut the door, I punched him straight in the face. I didn't even give him the chance to realise who had punched him before I pushed him to the ground. A group of students circled around us and cheered, knowing that a fight was about to happen.
"What the fuck bro?" He groaned, holding his bloody nose.
"I'm not your fucking bro, you piece of shit." I violently shoved Bryce once again, stopping him from sitting up.
I jumped on top of him and threw a second punch and then a third before Bryce was able to fight back. He pushed me off of him and punched me square in the face. The adrenaline that raced through my veins masked the pain and I continued to punch Bryce multiple times in the face.

Your POV

Jess and I pulled up to the school and we both noticed the crowd that had gathered in the carpark. I was unable to think about anything else at this moment except my boyfriend Monty. It was no secret that Monty had major anger issues and with the information he had heard, I wouldn't be surprised if he killed Bryce. 

I jumped out of the car and ran through the carpark, pushing through the crowd of unhelpful students. Jess followed slightly behind me. For a second, I watched as Monty threw punch after punch at Bryce. I snapped out of my thoughts and swallowed the lump in my throat.
"MONTY STOP...please." I screamed.
Normally he would stop the moment he heard my voice but this time was different. Don't get me wrong, Bryce getting beaten up was what he deserved but I didn't want Monty hurt.
"ZACH, JUSTIN, SOMEONE PULL HIM OFF OF BRYCE." I looked at the boys and Zach grabbed Monty.
He pulled him off and restrained him as Justin held Bryce down so he couldn't try and fight back.
"You're a fucking psycho! What did I even do?" Bryce held his nose and laughed.
"You're fucking disgusting." Monty pointed at Bryce, "You know exactly what you did."
"I honestly have no clue." Bryce shrugged.
I made eye contact with Monty and he could see the pain in my eyes. Before he had a chance to reply, I spoke to him.
"Monty please can we just go." I held out my hand.
Zach released his grip and Monty grabbed my hand. I walked out of the crowd and went towards Monty's Jeep. I turned back for a second and the whole crowd had dispersed. 

*Time Skip*

I drove Monty back to my house in his Jeep. He was in no fit state to drive. We pulled into my driveway and I spoke up.
"My parents have gone to work, come on." I sighed, getting out of his car.
We hadn't spoke on the drive back. You could've cut the tension in the car with a knife.

I unlocked my front door and we both entered. I straight away made my way to the kitchen, grabbing the rubbing alcohol and a cloth. I made my way into the living room and sat beside Monty on the sofa. I poured some of the alcohol onto the cloth and I held his face lightly with my free hand.
"This will probably hurt." I said before beginning to clean up the cuts on Monty's face.
He winced slightly as I finished cleaning up the blood. I grabbed his hands and cleaned his knuckles.
"The blood made your knuckles look a lot worse than they are." I smiled.
"It was mainly Bryce's blood." He sighed as I finished up cleaning him.
"All done." I picked up the bottle of rubbing alcohol and got up.
I went to the kitchen to put the things back and I felt Monty follow behind me. I turned around and he began to speak.
"I-I'm sorry." He frowned and I looked into his eyes.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." I grabbed his hands.
"No, I do. I was there that night and I'm meant to protect you. I'm your boyfriend and I let you down..." I cut him off.
"Monty it wasn't your fault, you didn't know what was going to happen, no one did. I don't blame you okay so don't blame yourself. Please Monty, I love you." I said and his expression softened slightly at my words.
"I love you too Y/N, more than anything." He half-smiled, "We will get through this together okay. I'll stick by you with whatever decisions you make."
"Thank you," I smiled, "Can we just stay here today and skip, you and me? We can watch Netflix?" 
"As long as I'm with you." He pecked my lips and I pulled him into a tight embrace.

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