Zach Dempsey [11]

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I started a new 13 Reasons Why Preferences book yesterday and it would mean a lot if you guys could go and check it out and give it a vote!! 

Your POV

It had been a long day at school today and it was only just lunchtime. All I wanted was one of my boyfriend's tight hugs but I couldn't get that. Zach, along with the rest of the Jocks on the football team had been sent on a day trip to get some extra training in before the big game next week. I mean, I completely understood that the training was compulsory but I couldn't help feeling alone and a bit down as I made my way through the crowded halls of Liberty and into the main hall, finding Jess sat with the rest of the cheerleaders. Making my way to their table, I took the spare seat that Jess had saved for me next to her and slumped into it, dropping my bag onto the floor beside me.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Jess half-smiled, as she took a bite of her lunch.
"Today's just been a bit of a crappy day you know." I shrugged, "Just want a tight hug from Zach but nope can't even get that until probably tomorrow." 
"Awh I feel your pain." Jess nodded, "Can't you just see Zach after school, they get back at four right? I'm meeting with Justin."
"His mum needs him home tonight to babysit and my dad wants me home tonight." I signed.
"Ah that sucks!" Chloe said, joining the conversation.
"I'm fine not seeing him every day you know." I half-laughed, "It's just the one day I've had a crap day and he's not here to make it better."
Both Chloe and Jess continued their conversation but I zoned out, staring at the clock in the middle of the hall, watching the seconds tick away.

After a few minutes of me sitting silently and zoning out, the cafeteria erupted into a mix of shouting and cheers and I immediately whipped my head around, noticing the large group of familiar boys making their way into the hall. It was 1 o'clock and they weren't meant to be back for another three hours. I couldn't hide the huge grin that fell onto my lips as I made eye contact with the tall, brown eyes boy that was looking directly at me. He smiled back and I heard Jess jump up next to me and run into Justin's arms. I stood up as the boys got closer to our table and almost jumped into my boyfriend's welcoming arms, causing him to stumble back slightly. He regained his balance and I wrapped myself around him, breathing in his comforting scent. All of my worries and sadness from the crappy day disappeared the very moment I wrapped myself in the perfect boy's arms.

After a few moments, I pulled away and Zach placed me on the floor carefully, automatically leaning in and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.
"Hmm seems like you've missed me a bit then?" Zach smirked, laughing slightly.
"Maybee..."I blushed, "Today's been a long fucking day and all I've wanted was a Zach hug and I didn't think I would be getting one."
"Awhh babyyy." Zach smiled, "Well surprise!"
"How comes you're all back so soon anyway? You weren't meant to be back until like four." I asked.
"We got everything done so coach just decided to bring us back." Zach shrugged, "I'd rather be with you anyway."
"Awh shh, you." I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Anyway, if it's been such a long and crappy day, how about we skip the rest of the day and go ride around for a bit?" He suggested
"Sounds perfect." I grinned, grabbing Zach's hand and interlocking our fingers together.

We both said quick goodbyes to everyone before sneaking out of the front doors and getting into Zach's car, driving away to spend the rest of the day together.

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