Tony Padilla [2]

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Imagine Tony took you out to Monets for food after he found out your boyfriend broke up with you.

[Your POV]

I was currently sat at a table alone in Monets. Tony had gone to order food, giving me time alone. Alone time was all I wanted recently, yet it was the worst thing for me and my brain. It gave my mind time to explode with thousands of thoughts and memories that I didn't want to relive. You see, my boyfriend...well now ex-boyfriend, broke up with me just a week ago. We had been together for almost a year and I was trying to be strong but if I'm being honest with myself, I was hurting...A lot. It felt as if he had pulled out my heart and stomped on it, breaking it into millions of pieces, and left it there, broken.

"Hey." Tony half-smiled, waving his hand in front of my face as he sat down.
"Oh hey, sorry." I sighed, pulling myself out of my thoughts and looking towards the table, noticing the food that he had bought for me, "Thanks."
I played with my fingers under the table, trying to distract myself and prevent myself from crying.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Tony asked, taking a bite out of his ham baguette. 
"Do you want my honest answer?" I raised my brow, putting a spoon into my cup of hot chocolate and stirring it around, lazily.
I wasn't hungry and to be honest, I hadn't properly ate a full meal since the breakup. I had completely lost my appetite and what was the point in forcing myself to eat, right? Tony hated it when I got sad because I would always lose my appetite and he knew it wasn't good for me. He hated seeing me sad and he always tried to cheer me up. 
"Of course I want the honest answer, be one hundred per cent honest." He replied.

I took a deep breath before speaking once again.
"No I don't want to talk about it. I want to ignore the last year and I want to ignore that him and I ever knew each other. I want to make new, better, memories with people that actually care about me, so please...Can we talk about anything else, apart from him." I finished my sentence and took a huge breath, realising that I hadn't breathed at all during that rant.
"Okay, I accept that. We can move on and talk about anything else." Tony smiled, "As long as you eat your food."
He motioned towards my plate that was still full of food and I nodded, finally giving in. I ate my lunch and we both spoke about our weekend plans together.

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