Justin Foley [1]

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Warning: A little smutty but not full smut just some flashbacks...

Your POV

I wandered through the busy halls of school, bag on one shoulder and my other arm held Justin Foleys jacket. On Saturday Bryce had a mad party and I got a little bit tipsy.

*Flash back*

I downed the drink as people chanted my name, it automatically went straight to my head. I looked over to my left and Justin smirked at me.
"Wanna go dance?" He smirked, also slightly tipsy.
"I would love too!" I smirked, grabbing his hand, leading him away from the rest of the large group.

*Flash back over*

I grinned thinking back to the night...I didn't regret any of it honestly. I pushed through the large crowds and made my way to the group of jocks. I was quite far away from them but I could already see Justin. He had a huge smile on his face, as he joked with Bryce and Zach.

*Flash back*

As the tipsy feeling fell over me I began to grind against Justin. I had liked him for god knows how long and I knew where I wanted this to go. 

He placed his hands on my waist and he leaned in, whispering in my ear, "Maybe we should head upstairs."
I smirked and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the large, crowded room and towards one of Bryce's spare rooms.

*Flash back over*

I smirked as he noticed me and all of the boys stared at me. They all notice that I had Justin's jacket and they all smirked.

*Flash back*

I entered the room and the moment I closed the door, I was pushed up against it. He passionately kissed me and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. It felt so right. I grabbed his jacket and pulled him closer to me. His hands roamed around my whole body. I pulled off his jacket and his t-shirt too. I ran my hands up and down his torso and he pulled my crop top off hungrily.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He said in between hungry kisses.
"I've never been more sure of something in my life!" I smirked and moaned lightly as he left small hickeys on my neck and chest. I did the same.

"I know this may not be the time." Justin said, "But I have liked you for a long time..."
"Me too Justin..." I pulled at his jeans and he pulled them off, "For so bloody long...Just ask me out already Justin."
"Ooo a girl who knows what she wants...I like it!" Justin pulled off my skirt, "Well Y/N, will you be my girlfriend."
"Yes, Justin." I smirked as he pushed me onto the bed.

*Flash back over*

I walked right up to them and all of the boys moved, allowing me to walk straight to Justin.
"Here." I smirked, handing him the jacket, "Don't leave it next time."
I winked and he smirked, taking it from me.
"Oioi next time aye!" Bryce smirked.
 I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him closer to me, kissing him hungrily. He kissed back without hesitation and cheers and whistles could be heard all around us. We both pulled away and he slapped my ass lightly.

"Yes there most defiantly will be a next time." Justin smirked and pulled me in for a tight hug.
"Of course there will be!" I pecked him on the lips, "See you later baby."
I winked and turned on my heel, walking away with a huge smirk spread across my face. 

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