Justin Foley [3]

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Your POV 

I sat, scribbling down the answers to my maths homework, that was due tomorrow, quickly. I was shaken from my thoughts by a slight knock on my bedroom window, causing me to jump slightly. A wave of relief flowed over me as I noticed who was at my window. I jumped off of my bed and opened my window allowing space for my friend to climb through.

"Justin, what the hell are you doing here?" I spoke in a hushed tone to make sure my parents couldn't hear from the other room.
Even though it was 12 am and they had been asleep since 9 pm, I tried to keep my voice down.
"Look I would've text you but my phone died and I couldn't stay at home." Justin sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Come sit." I pointed towards my bed and we both flopped onto the mattress.
I noticed a red mark across Justin's face once we both sat down.
"Who did this? Was it Seth?" I asked, reaching out towards his face and holding it still so I could examine the severity of the gash.
"...Yeah." He frowned, "He just snapped and came at me with a knife. I had to leave and you were the only person I could think of coming to."
"He's actually insane." I sighed, "I'll clean it up for you, let me just go get a cloth."
Justin nodded and I went to the bathroom, grabbing a cloth and some rubbing alcohol.

"I'm back." I smiled, shaking the bottle of liquid and putting some onto the cloth.
I sat, cross legged, in front of Justin, "Can you look that way to I can get to your cut please?"
He nodded and I used my free hand to softly lift his head slightly, "Ready? It might sting a little."
"I'm pretty much used to it at this point." Justin joked and I laughed.

Cleaning up the cut was pretty easy and it allowed me to fully see how bad it was.
"It doesn't look too bad. You won't need stitches." I run my finger over his cheek softly.
"Since when did you become a doctor?" Justin smirked.
"I've been cleaning up your cuts every time you end up with one." I shrugged, with my hand still on his cheek.
Justin looked into my eyes longingly smiled, "Thank you so much Y/N."
"It's honestly not a problem Justin. I'll always be here for you." I realized the prolonged time I had my hand on his cheek and I quickly pulled it away, blushing slightly and trying to hide it.

Justin laughed, "You are so cute when you try to hide the fact that you are blushing."
I looked down for a second, just to have Justin's finger connect with my chin and lift my head up so I was looking into his eyes. Slowly, he leaned in and my heart rate suddenly sped up. I had always had a huge crush on this man and here I was sat on my bed, our faces inches away from each other. I closed the gap between us and our lips collided. My arms wrapped around his neck and his ran up and down my sides. We continued kissing, sat in this position until we both ran out of breath. We both pulled away, gasping for air and smiling like crazy.
"I've wanted to do that for so long." He smirked.
"Me too." I giggled, pulling him into a warm embrace.

After a few moments, we both pulled away and he began to speak again, "Would you maybe like to be my girlfriend?"
"I would love to." I smiled, kissing him once again.

Season 3 comes out tomorrow and I'm so excited! 

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