Scott Reed [11]

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Warning-Mentions of Self harm!!

Your POV

Another day at the hell hole known as Liberty and another day of being thrown up against lockers and being screamed at by every jock down the corridor. The school was bad as it was and being the main target of the bullying by the majority of the jocks made it almost unbearable. I pulled up to Liberty and got out of my car, throwing my bag over my shoulder and locked the door, heading towards the dreaded double doors.

As soon as I swung the doors open, I already felt all eyes on me. Today, I was already in a really bad mood and I knew that the moment one of the jocks started on me, I would be likely to just walk out. Turning the corner, I noticed all of the jocks stood by the lockers they normally stood at, right opposite mine. I kept my head down, trying to stop them from noticing me, but it didn't work.
"Aye look who it is, the school slut!" Bryce shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.
If only he knew, I really wasn't a slut. I don't even know where that rumour came from but it was the number one insult that they all used daily.
"Oh come on Y/N, everyone else has had a turn, let me have a go!" Bryce smirked, grabbing my ass.

That was the final straw. Pushing Bryce away violently, I finally snapped.
"Don't fucking touch me you creep! I'm far from a fucking slut and you know what, even if I was, I wouldn't go anywhere near you! You're fucking disgusting, all of you are FUCKING PIGS!" I screamed, spinning on my heel and running down the hall and out of the school, back towards my car.
I knew that I was going to regret what I had just said but honestly, at this point, they all bullied enough anyway, it really couldn't get any worse.

As soon as I got into my car and slammed the door, I broke. Tears streamed out of my eyes and I screamed, punching the steering wheel violently multiple times. I couldn't stop. They made my life a living hell and all I wanted was for it to end. I wanted everything to end, the bullying, the

In my emotional state, I almost didn't hear my passenger's side door open and someone get into my car. Looking over, I noticed that it was no other than Scott Reed. He was a jock but honestly, he never really joined in on the bullying. He always had an almost empathetic look in his eyes as I was shouted at and shoved around. As he sat in the car, I expected him to say something but instead, he just let me cry it out for a few more moments.

"W-why me?" I sobbed.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked and I lifted head up, looking into his eyes.
"Why do they all h-hate me? What did I do wrong?" I choked out, looking down at my hand's in my lap, playing with my fingers.
Scott placed his hands over mine, interlocking our fingers. Normally I would pull away if it was anyone else but Scott was different and instead of breaking the contact between us, I squeezed his hands slightly as he ran his thumb up and down my hand.
"I'm so fucking sorry Y/N, no one deserves this...especially not you. You're so fucking beautiful and perfect okay? I know I should've stuck up for you sooner but I just didn't know how to...I know that's a stupid excuse and I'm so so sorry." Scott breathed in deeply.

I shuffled slightly and moved my arm, causing my jumper sleeve to roll up a bit to far, exposing my scarred skin. I had no chance to pull it down as Scott automatically spotted it and pulled his hand away from mine, pulling my sleeve up further. He gasped slightly and looked deeply into my eyes.
"Oh god Y/N! This is our fault, isn't it? Oh god, I'm so fucking sorry, please listen to me okay?" He pleaded, his voice breaking mid-sentence.
I looked into Scotts eyes, noticing that they were glazed over with tears, causing me to cry even more.
"...Have you ever thought about..." He paused for a second, "...killing yourself?"
No words were able to come out of my mouth, all I could do was nod lightly. Without warning, I was pulled into a tight hug and we both cried for a few moments.

"Look okay, I know you'll never be able to forgive me for not helping sooner but I promise you I won't let this happen again. You're so fucking perfect Y/N, never forget that. I've always thought you were so stunning since the first day I saw you and you don't deserve to be feeling like this." Scott said, still crying slightly.
"I forgive you, Scott." I half smiled, causing Scott to grin slightly.
"Really? Look do you want to skip with me today? We can just hang out or whatever...only if you want." Scott rambled, causing me to giggle slightly.
"I'd love to." I smiled and nodded.
"Ok good." He smiled, "I'll drive!"
Scott and I swapped seats so he was the one driving and he drove us to Rosies to get food and then we went to the beach and spent the day together.

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