Zach Dempsey [10]

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Your POV

It was the first day back at Liberty High today after summer and I was honestly so anxious about going back. Normally, I didn't mind school really,  I hung out with the jocks so school was always good, but today was different. Over the summer, my close friend Zach and I had spent a lot of time together and we had developed what would be called a 'summer romance'. We never made anything official or told people but it was honestly the best couple of months of my life and I wish summer had never ended. I knew that the moment we went back to school, Zach would act like nothing ever happened and we would probably never speak about it again. It hurt that we would just go back to being friends and I wouldn't be able to kiss him and go on cute dates with him anymore. I don't really know what I expected and I knew deep down that this was going to happen but it still hurt me. The last time I saw Zach was on Saturday when he took me out on a car ride to the beach and we watched the sunset together and we never actually spoke about what we were going to do and how we were going to act now that school was about to start up again. I guess he just assumed that I knew this was just a fling and that we would just go back to just being friends.

At this point in the morning, I had just finished up my makeup and hair and all I needed to do was slip my trainers on and grab my bag once Jess was outside. I patiently waited at the bottom of the stairs as my phone vibrated and a message from Jess popped up on my screen.
Jess-Will meet you at school, had to pick up Justin 

I put my phone away and slipped on my shoes, slightly confused after reading Jess's message. She had never done this before and she was also never that blunt with me. As I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder, I shouted a quick goodbye to my parents and headed out of the house. As I shut the door behind me and turned around, I spotted an all too familiar audi parked outside my house. The boy inside honked his horn, trying to get my attention, and I reluctantly made my way towards the car as he rolled down the window.
"You need a lift?" He asked, grinning slightly.
"Hmm sure." I smiled, opening the passenger's side door and jumping in, throwing my bag down between my feet.
I put on my seatbelt and we sat in silence for a few moments before Zach started up the engine and I broke the deafening silence.
"So I'm guessing that you have something to do with Jess being blunt with me this morning and blowing me off, even though she told me she would be picking me up last night." I joked and Zach laughed slightly, taking his eyes off of the road for a split second and making eye contact with me before directing his eyes back towards the road.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my cheeks flushed a light shade of pink after we broke the short moment of eye contact.
"Maybeee..." Zach smirked, "But you prefer me anyway so you can't complain...anddd anyway my car is cooler so shh."
"Hmm the car part is true I guess." I giggled.
"So you don't prefer me then? I see how it is, I can pull over now and you can call Jess for a ride." Zach jokingly huffed.
"Heyy," I paused for a second, before building up the courage to say what I wanted to, "I like you both in different ways so shut it and drive Dempsey."
I saw Zach grin slightly and blush out of the corner of my eye and after a few seconds, I saw him take one hand off the steering wheel and lazily rest it on my thigh, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach once again.

We sat in peaceful silence for a few moments as we pulled up at Liberty and Zach parked. I unbuckled my seatbelt and went to grab my bag, to get out of the car, but Zach stopped me.
"Wait Y/N..." He said slightly awkwardly.
"Hmm what's up?" I asked, looking him in the eye.
"Look, this summer was the best summer I've ever had and I wish it hadn't ended. I loved spending long summer nights with you and going on cute dates..." Zach began and I cut him off.
"...But now we're back at Liberty and you want to go back to being friends, you don't want anyone to find out about us...Yeah, I know Zach ok, that's fine, whatever, it's done ok." I rolled my eyes, trying to act unbothered even though I could feel tears brimming in my eyes as I did so.
"Whoa no...I mean if that's what you want then I respect that, but I don't want that at all." Zach half-smiled, placing his hand that was once resting on my thigh, on top of mine, interlocking our fingers as he did so, "I don't want to go back to being just friends...I don't think I could even if I tried."
We both laughed slightly.
"So what does that mean? What are you saying?" I asked, looking deeply into Zach's brown orbs.
"It means I want to make us official, Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" Zach asked and I couldn't hide the grin that spread across my lips as I heard those words.
"Yes Zach, I would love to be your girlfriend!" I smiled and shuffled closer to Zach, placing my free hand on his cheek and leaning in, connecting our lips together.
We shared a short kiss and then both jumped out of the car, interlocking our fingers once again and heading towards the double doors of Liberty, ready to see everyone after a long and eventful summer.

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