Zach Dempsey [5]

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Imagine Zach wanted to speak to you after you guys broke up

Your POV

I walked into Rosie's and awkwardly glanced around spotting Zach. He had text me about an hour ago, asking me to meet him to talk. Normally that wouldn't be awkward but bearing in mind we got into a fight last night and broke up, I didn't really want to see him. Of course, I loved him with my whole heart, I mean we were together for nearly two years, but I just couldn't bare to see him. I didn't know how long I could hold in my tears in front of him before just breaking down. 

We broke up for the most stupid reason really. I had got angry with him for spending hardly any time with me this month, completely forgetting about how much time he had to spend training for football season. He was already tired because of how busy he had been and one small thing turned into a heated argument. I regretted it because I knew I shouldn't have bought up the argument and I should've accepted that he had other priorities but I had messed up. He ended up telling me we were over and that was the end of it. We hadn't spoken since then, last night. 

I put my thoughts to the back of my mind and slowly made my way over to the booth Zach was sat it, sliding in the seat that was opposite him. I played with my thumbs awkwardly as I kept my eyes focused onto the table, not making eye contact with Zach. We both sat in silence for what felt like an internity before Zach looked up.
"Look..." Zach paused and I looked up, making eye contact with him, "I didn't mean what I said last night, not any of it."
He waited for me to say something but I didn't. I didn't know what to say to the man in front of me. I was surprised he even wanted to talk to me.
"I'm going to be honest with you here Y/N. I have been busy with football and homework but I should've made time for you..." I cut him off.
"No Zach honestly I was just being a bitch. I know you have a busy schedule and I know that you try your best to see me whenever you can but I guess yesterday I was filled with emotion and just ignored that. I'm sorry." I sighed, trying to read Zach's emotions.
"You have no need to be sorry. I should be the one saying sorry. I'm genuinely so sorry. I hate making you feel bad, it makes me feel terrible. I can tell you've been crying." Zach hesitantly raised his hand and ran his thumb over my bare cheek, causing a warm blush to form on my cheeks. 
A smile formed on Zach's lips as he noticed me blushing. He lowered his hand and he began to speak once again.
"I genuinely feel so lost without you. I know it's not even been twenty-four hours but I hate spending even a minute without you in my life. I must sound so stupid just rambling on and saying all of this but I just hate us being on bad terms. I love you so much Y/N and I really hope that you still feel the same way." Zach looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.
I placed a finger under his chin and directed his head up so his eyes met mine. 
"Zach you don't sound stupid. I love you too, so bloody much and I don't know what to do without you. We've been together for almost two years and I want to spend many more years with you." I smiled.
"Well, would you like to be my girlfriend again?" Zach raised his brow and reached his hand over the table, intertwining our fingers together. 
"I would love to." I lent over the table and connected our lips in a short kiss.

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