Alex Standall [4] Part 1

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Imagine you and Alex got into a fight. 

Your POV

"Alex I really don't understand why you are making this out to be such a huge deal when it really isn't." I rolled my eyes as I sat on the half wall in my front garden.
"It may not be a big deal to you but it is to me okay!" Alex groaned, rubbing his temples, "You spend more time with Zach than you do with your ACTUAL boyfriend."
"You need to seriously chill out. I'm in his biology class and we were put together by the teacher for a project." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Well how am I supposed to know that the project is all you are doing with him?" Alex looked me in the eye whilst pacing back and forth.
"How are you 'supposed to know?' Huh." I laughed out of pure anger, "Clearly shows how little trust you have in your girlfriend of almost a year. I didn't choose to be partnered with Zach, what did you want me to do? Stand on the bloody table and protest to the teacher because my boyfriend for some reason doesn't trust me with any guys to do school work?"
"Oh yeah because I'm the one in the wrong here now?" He raised his brow and laughed lightly.
"Yeah maybe you actually are." I shook my head and stood up, getting off of the wall.

"This is absolute bullshit Y/N. Maybe if you weren't all over the jocks twenty-four-seven flirting with them then I wouldn't have issues trusting you." Alex stepped closer to me but I backed away.
"Flirting with them, are you having a laugh? I've known them all for years if I wanted to get with one of them I would've already." I replied, shocked by his comment.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you were fucking at least one of them behind my back honestly." Alex spat but automatically realised he shouldn't have.
"You know what." Alex tried to cut me off but I just continued, "FUCK YOU Alex Standall."
He went to speak again but I cut him off, "No shut up! I'm done with this. I'm done with you having a go at me for something that honestly has nothing to do with you. Zach is my friend and he always will be. If you don't like that then maybe you should just find someone else."
"But..." He said but I just sighed.
"Alex I'm done with this argument. I'm done with you right now." My eyes began to well with tears as I turned on my heel and walked away from Alex.
I heard him call my name but I simply ignored him and opened my front door, locking it behind me.

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