Montgomery de la Cruz [4]

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Imagine Monty finally decided to ask you on a date. 

Your POV

I stood by my locker with Hannah and Jess in the hallway of Liberty, grabbing the books that I would need for the day.
"Heads up, the love of your life is coming over." Jess giggled and I turned on my heel, noticing Monty walking towards us.
"Oh shut up." I groaned and turned back to my locker, regretting telling Hannah and Jess about my slight...okay huge crush on Montgomery de la Cruz, "He's probably not even coming to us."
"Hmm you sure about that." Hannah grinned as Monty reached our group.

"Hey guys." Monty smiled as he reached our group.
Jess and Hannah both greeted him before I turned around.
"Oh hey Monty." I turned around facing him, acting like I hadn't already seen him heading this way.
"Can I speak to just Y/N real quick?" He asked us.
"Yeah sure." Jess giggled and grabbed Hannah's hand, dragging her away so it was just Monty and I left.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I raised my brow, standing in front of him as he had somehow inched his way so he was leaned against my locker.
"Well, actually I had a question to ask you." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well fire away." I smiled and he took a deep breath before speaking.
"Basically I've liked you for quite a while. Not like just like a friend but more. I haven't had the guts to ask you but my mates kind of pressured me to just come over and tell you how I feel." He began to loosen up once he realised I hadn't ran away in disgust after his first few sentences and he moved away from my locker, standing up more confidently, "So basically what I'm trying to ask is would you like to go on a date with me to Rosie's tonight?"
"Whoa I mean yeah sure I would love to." I blushed as we made direct eye contact.
"So I'll pick you up from yours at like half 6?" He suggested.
"Sounds good, do you know where I live?" I smiled and he nodded.
"Yeah you live near Zach right?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm number twenty." I told him, "If you text me when you get to my road I'll come out to meet you."
"Okay." He smirked and made his way back towards his friends as the bell went.

Jess and Hannah came back over to me with huge smiles plastered all over their faces, already assuming what had just happened due to the huge smile on my face.

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