Jeff Atkins [8]

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Your POV

I drove into Jeff's driveway and parked my car at the front of his house. He had asked me to come round to help him with some homework and of course, I could never say no to spending time with Jeff. I had feelings for Jeff but sadly he had a girlfriend. They had been together for a few months and every time I saw them together, it killed me. 

I got out of my car and knocked on the front door. Jeff's mother answered.
"Awh hello Y/N!" She smiled, embracing me in her arms.
"Hey Mrs Atkins!" I smiled as we pulled away.
"Jeff is upstairs." She said and I thanked her, heading into the house and jogging up the stairs.
As I reached the landing and was about to knock on Jeff's bedroom door, I could hear two voices inside, arguing.

"How long have you loved her?" A female voice sighed.
After a second of processing, I knew that the voice belonged to Jeff's girlfriend.
"What do you mean? Who?" I heard Jeff reply back, clearly confused.
"Stop lying to me, I can tell by the way you look at her, how long?" She growled.
"You really need to tell me who you are talking about." Jeff said.
"Y/N! I know you like her!" She shouted and I gasped, hearing my name.
"What, n-no I don't." Jeff stuttered and I blushed slightly.
Did Jeff really like me?
"You know what Jeff, have her. I know you like her, she'll make you happy." She sighed, "We're over."
I heard her get up and walked to the door. I was in shock and when she opened the door I was still just stood there. She didn't even say a word as she stormed out and downstairs. I heard the door slam and I jumped slightly.

"H-hey..." I said and Jeff looked up.
"How much of that did you hear?" Jeff said, clearly worried.
"Umm...All of it." I shrugged, stepping into his room and closing his door.

We both stood in silence before he finally spoke up.
"Well she wasn't wrong." He sighed.
"W-what really?" I stuttered, shocked slightly.
"I mean yeah, I've liked you for a long time now but I knew you wouldn't like me so I just tried to move on." He frowned.
"How do you know that I don't like you?" I smirked slightly.
"I don't, I just assumed." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Well you assumed wrong, I like you...a lot." I admitted.
"Really?" He grinned.
"Of course." I laughed lightly.
"Well would you maybe like to go on a date with me to Rosies?" He suggested.
"I would love to Jeff, when?" I asked, blushing like crazy.
"Now!" He grinned, grabbing my hand and leading me out of his room, towards his car.

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