Charlie St George [5]

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Your POV

My best friend, Charlie, and I were sat together on my bed, watching a movie. We spent so much time together and specifically over this summer, whenever I wasn't working at the Monet's and Charlie wasn't working at the Crestmont, we were together. Spending more time with my best friend than I normally did, had caused me to grow stronger feelings towards the boy. I knew that nothing would ever be able to happen between us as Charlie would never like me in that way and all we would ever be is friends.

I had my eyes glued to the screen of my laptop, trying to focus on the film we were meant to be watching but I kept taking quick glances at the perfect man sat beside me. Charlie looked at me with a confused look on his face, noticing that I kept looking at him.
"What's up?" He half smiled, clearly slightly concerned.
"Uhh nothing, don't worry." I shrugged shoulders, reverting my eyes back to the screen.
"You sound sad, come on, what's up?" Charlie asked.
"Can I..." I paused for a second, "Can I just get a hug?"
Charlie smiled, wrapping his arms tightly around my shoulders, letting me lean my head on his chest. I breathed in Charlie's comforting scent and closed my eyes, taking in the moment.

Charlie and I lied in that position for a few moments before he shuffled slightly, causing me to lift my head up and look into his eyes.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
Charlie didn't say a word and quickly glanced between my lips and back to my eyes.
"Can I kiss you right now?" He asked, continuing to glance at lips.
Without a single word, I grabbed Charlie's face with both hands and leant in, pressing my lips against his. Our lips moved in sync as his hand made it's way up towards my face, rubbing his thumb slowly across my cheek. Our kiss lasted until both of us needed to pull apart to gasp for air, leaning our foreheads together as we did so.

We sat in silence for a few moments before Charlie spoke up.
"I've wanted to do that for so long." He smirked.
"Hmm me too." I grinned.
"So maybeeee..." Charlie began, "Well, would you maybe like to go on a date with me sometime?"
"I'd love to go on a date with you Charlie." I grinned, leaning back in once again and closing the gap between us, continuing our heated make-out session.

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