Jeff Atkins [9]

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This one is pretty sad so be prepared.

Your POV

I sat on the uncomfortable hospital chair that I had pulled over so I was able to sit right up next to Jeff. He lied still in the hospital bed, wires connected to him, keeping him alive. One tragic event almost ripped my whole world out of my hands in an instant and now I sat here, for the fourth day in the row, hoping and praying for my boy to wake up. I kept pinching myself, hoping that I would awake from this horrendous nightmare, but it wasn't a nightmare, it was the bitter and harsh reality. Monty, Jeffs best friend and my brother, was sat outside, giving me a few minutes to speak to my boyfriend in private. 

"Come on baby, stop playing and just wake up now." I croaked, my voice was tired from all of the sobbing I had done, "I need you to wake up ok. You can't give up on me...I can't live without you."
Tears began to stream from my eyes and fall down my red cheeks, dropping onto the thin, light blue blanket that covered my boyfriend.
"Don't give up...please." I sniffed, grabbing Jeffs hand and interlocking our fingers together.
I tried to think of happy memories that Jeff and I had shared.
"Do you remember when you first asked me out?" I half smiled, thinking back to that day over a year ago now, "You were so scared that I would reject you and tell my brother that you ended up tripping over as you walked towards me."
"Or..." I continued, "Do you remember when Monty found out? He almost lost it and him and I got into a massive fight...I fought because I love you and now I need you to fight for me okay? I'm going to help you through all of this, I just need you to wake up."

At that moment, the machine that was monitoring Jeffs heartbeat began to beep loudly and I jumped out of my seat.
"W-whats happening?" I asked, fear in my voice as doctors and nurses ran in, pushing me out of the room as they did so.
"You need to get out Miss." The nurse frowned and the moment I was pushed out of the door, Monty grabbed me.
"What's going on Y/N?" Monty asked whilst wrapping his arms around me to support me.
"T-the machines beeped and then t-they pushed me out." I stuttered, still confused by the events that had just taken place, "He can't die...Jeff can't die."
"Hey, hey don't speak like that, he's not going to die. He'll be fine." Monty reassured me, even though he didn't sound too sure himself.

Just the minute or so that we were waiting felt like an eternity, before a doctor came out of the room with a slight frown on his face.
"How is he? He's fine, isn't he? What happened?" I asked, praying for the answer that I needed.
"I'm sorry Miss..." After those three words came out of the doctor's mouth my brain switched off and my legs gave way, causing me to collapse onto the floor.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as my world shattered around me in thousands of tiny fragments. He was gone...My soulmate was gone. I felt two large arms help me off the floor and wrap me into a tight hug. I sobbed onto Monty's shoulder as he let a few tears fall down his cheeks too. Unable to control my emotions, I pulled away from the hug and violently slammed my clenched fists into Monty's chest repeatedly, screaming as I did so. What was I meant to do without Jeff? He was the one that kept my head from going under the water and now he was gone...My whole world was gone.

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