Zach Dempsey [2]

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Your POV 

I walked, arm in arm, into Rosie's diner with my boyfriend Zach. It was out date night and we had just been to the cinema to see some random film and now we were going to get some food. Zach opened the door, letting me into the diner.
"Why thank you kind sir!" I giggled.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight!" He grinned.
"Uhhh not too many times...Only like 12!" I laughed.
I looked down at my outfit.

I looked down at my outfit

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We made our way through the diner until we found an empty booth. Zach sat on one side and I sat opposite him. He automatically grabbed a menu and looked through it, finding food. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was so perfect. How was I so lucky? He had a full face of concentration as he checked the menu and it made me smile. I loved him...truly.

Zach looked up and met eyes with me.
"Why were you staring at me?" He smirked, "Is there something on my face or something!"
"No Zach!" I laughed, "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you."
"Awh baby," Zach smiled, intertwining our fingers, "I'm most defiantly the lucky one."
"Anyway have you made your mind up yet?" I said.
"Wha...Oh right!" He replied, "I think I'm just gonna get some fries and drink."
"Ooo sounds good." I smiled, "I'll probably get the same."
At that moment a woman came over and took our order.

As we waited for our food, Zach got bored.
"Oh wait Y/N!" Zach smirked, "I have an idea!"
He grabbed his bag and pulled out a spoon.
"Zach, why do you have a spoon in your bag?" I asked.
"You never know when you may need one." He laughed, "Anyway look!"
And with that he attempted to balance the spoon on his nose, failing terribly. I couldn't help but laugh at how sad he seemed when he couldn't do it.
"Awh Zachyy!" I laughed, "Are you having some difficulties?" 
"No, you just need to get the angle right!" He said.
After several more attempts, failing every single time, he finally gave up.
"Ugh fine I give up!" Zach put the spoon back into his bag and I laughed.
"Awh Zach, maybe next time!" I laughed.
And with that we enjoyed the rest of our evening, in each other's company, happily.

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