Montgomery de la Cruz [8]

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Your POV

As I was sat on my bed, listening to music, a light tap on my window caused me to jump up and open my curtains. Noticing that it was my boyfriend, Monty, who had climbed up to my window, I opened it and helped him in. At first, due to the fact that he was wearing a hoodie with the hood up, I didn't notice Monty's black eye and cuts and bruises all over his face. The moment I noticed, I gasped and stepped closer to him.
"Monty!" I frowned, opening my arms to welcome him into a tight embrace, "What happened? W-was it him again?"

All Monty was able to do was simply nod before collapsing into my arms and breaking down. He sobbed into my shoulder and I ran my fingers through his messy hair in an attempt to soothe him.
"Hey hey shhhh." I hummed as I slowly made my way, with him, towards the bed and we both lied down.
"It's okay babe, I'm here okay. You are safe." I whispered into his ear as his head was rested on my chest.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before Monty's hiccups and sobs slowed and he began to speak.
"W-why do you stay with me?" He asked, emotion laced in his words, "I mean I-I'm just fucked up Y/N, I'm n-not worth your time."
"Hey, no, don't say that." I frowned, continuing to run my fingers through his hair, "I love you, okay? I love everything about you. You may be a little bit fucked up, but aren't we all really. You are worth every second of time that I spend with you and even more. Remember that, okay?"
"I love you too." Monty looked up and our eyes met.
I lifted my thumb up towards his face and ran it under his eye, wiping his tears away. Leaning in, I connected Monty and I's lips for just a few seconds, sharing an emotional kiss.
"I love you now and I will love you in eighty years when we are both grey and old." I smiled causing Monty to laugh lightly as we both slowly drifted to sleep, wrapped in eachothers safe arms.

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