Zach Dempsey [1]

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Your POV

I stood in the doorway of Libertys gym, watching my perfect boyfriend, Zach, take shots at the hoop. He scored almost everyone perfectly. I wrapped his Liberty High jacket tighter around my shoulders, as it kept falling because it was way too big for me. As he scored another ball I decided to make my presence known, by clapping.
"Woo! That's my boy!" I giggled, as he turned around.
A huge grin spread across his face once he noticed it was me. He quickly made his way towards me and he wrapped his large arms tightly around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck and he picked me up off the ground, spinning me around for a few seconds, before placing me back on the ground.
"You are lucky I love you Zach!" I giggled, "You are so sweaty!"
"Aha sorry babe." He laughed and leaned in quickly, placing a quick yet sweet kiss on my lips.

"Anyway, how long were you there watching me?" He laughed, picking up the basketball and bouncing it on the wooden floor of the gym.
"Uhh not that long really...5 minutes tops." I replied, stealing the ball quickly and running across the gym with it.
I knew he would catch up with me within a few seconds and as he did he picked me up bridal style, leaving the ball bouncing across the floor.
"How dare you steal my ball!" He fake frowned.
"Oh baby boy don't cry!" I joked, "Just because you are worried that I will be better than you!"
"You really think that?" He placed me down, laughing lightly.
"I don't think that, I know that!" I stand up straight and say it confidently.
"Game on!" He smirks, "First one to shoot 5 hoops! I'll even let you go first."
"Oo okay!" I grabbed the ball and lined up, ready to shoot.

I threw the ball and missed completely.
"Pfft watch the professional!" He grabbed the ball and threw it, scoring a perfect hole.
"Hayy!" I laughed, "No fair. You have the height advantage!"
"Don't play that card princess." He smirked.
My heart automatically melted when he called me that...He knew it did.
With all my determination I picked up the ball and threw it into the hoop, scoring straight away.
"Oh baby!" He picked me up and spun me around, "I am so proud!"
He placed me back down and I clapped myself.

"Let's just go home now...Say we both won!" I smirked.
"yeah sure, let me just go and get changed," He smirked, "Just remember Y/N, we both know who would have won."
He winked as he walked away, melting my heart once again.

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