Justin Foley [5]

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Imagine Alex made a move on you and Justin saw

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Imagine Alex made a move on you and Justin saw

Your POV

I was sat on the benches in the gym waiting for my boyfriend, Justin, to finish getting changed from practice. As I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, I felt someone sit next to me.
"Hey Y/N." A familiar voice spoke, causing me to look up.
"Oh hey Alex." I smiled, sliding my phone into my back pocket.
"What are you doing waiting here?" He raised his brow.
"Just waiting for Justin to get changed, we are going to Rosie's together after he's done." I replied, "Why are you here?"
"Oh I just saw you and wanted to come say hi." He smirked, shuffling slightly closer to me.
"Oh right..." I frowned slightly, shuffling away from him a bit.
"Why are you moving away from me." Alex laughed lightly, "I'm not going to attack you."
"I mean I just wanted a bit more room." I shrugged my shoulders awkwardly.
"Ah well okay then," Alex said, "May I just say you look gorgeous today."

I went to speak but someone cut into the convocation.
"No, you may not!" Justin said, clearly hearing everything Alex had been saying to me, "She has me to tell her that every day."
I smiled slightly, noticing that Justin was clearly jealous. 
"Oh whatever Foley, you don't own her." Alex rolled his eyes, angering Justin more, "I can say whatever I want to her."
"Just because you can't find yourself a girlfriend, doesn't give you the right to make moves on other peoples." Justin snapped and I coughed slightly, trying to cover up a laugh.
"You need to calm down and grow up." Alex laughed.
Justin paused for a second before speaking once more, "Fuck you, Alex."

I jumped up off of the bench, grabbing Justin's hand and trying to pull him away so he didn't end up punching Alex because he provoked him. Justin turned to me and quickly connected our lips in a passionate kiss. After a second I kissed back. I knew his plan was to make Alex feel awkward and it definitely worked because we both pulled away and Alex had walked off.
"I love you. Justin smirked, pecking me on the lips one last time.
"I love you too Justin and only you." I smiled as we walked out of the gym together.

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