Alex Standall [2]

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Your POV 

Bryce was holding one of his 'get high and wasted' gatherings at his house and I decided to go. I wouldn't get drunk or high but I hoped a certain someone would be there. 


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I glanced in a mirror, checking my outfit and makeup. I had dressed up a bit over the top but I didn't really care.

*Time Skip*

I pulled up into Bryce's driveway and got out of my car. My heels clicked against the cobble pathway as I made my way up to the door. I knocked and Bryce opened it.
"Y/NNNN!" He shouted and I laughed, "I wasn't sure if you were coming or not."
"Of course I came!" I giggled and Bryce let me in.
I walked into the living room, where everyone else was, and he looked up at me. Alex lightly smiled and I turned towards Justin, awkwardly.
"Y/NNN!" He laughed, pulling me in for a hug.
"Heyy!" I giggled.

Alex's POV

She walked in and my heart skipped a beat. She looked gorgeous. The smile dropped from her face the moment she saw me and she decided to talk to the rest of the boys. Her laugh put a smile on my face. I regretted everything. I wish I hadn't broke up with her, I needed to speak to her. Is it bad that I'm hoping she is broken...That she hasn't found anyone else.

*Time Skip*

Your POV

Everyone had gone outside, except Alex. I went in to get a drink and saw him sat there. He looked at me and got up slowly, making his way towards me.
"Y/N, can we talk?" He asked.
"I mean...yeah." I shrugged my shoulders.
"I know I'm the stupid one who ended it..." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "And now I'm the stupid one regretting it...But I've been thinking about you lots lately..."
"...I've been thinking about you too..." I admitted.
"Is it wrong for me to feel this way?" He asked.
"No..." I sighed.
"I've just been thinking...Like...Have you been feeling empty like me?...Have you moved on?..." He looked into my eyes.
"How could I move on Alex." I mumbled, "I still love you and anyone could realize that."
"Is it bad if I say I love you..." He inched closer to me.
"Is it bad if I say I love you too..." And with that, he pulled me closer to him and our lips met for a long, passionate kiss. 
"I missed this." I mumbled.
"I missed you." He replied.

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