Alex Standall [8]

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Your POV

Alex and I had been together for around three months now and we had kept it completely secret. At first, keeping it a secret had been fun and exciting, but now I just wanted to hold his hand in the halls of school and act like couples do. Currently, Alex and I were getting ready for school at his, before we would be parting ways and going to school. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alex asked, pulling me out of my deep thoughts.
"Uhh nothing..." I sighed, sorting out my hair.
"I can tell that there's something, tell me...Please." He frowned, sitting next to me on his bed.
"It's just...When are we going to tell people about us?" I asked, "I don't want to hide it anymore Alex, I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want. I want to be able to show people the reason that I'm happy."
"I want to tell people too." Alex smiled, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers together, "I thought you wanted to keep it a secret still."
"It was fun at first but now I just want to show everyone how perfect my boyfriend is." I grinned.
"Well, we can tell people today." Alex suggested.
"That sounds perfect." I smiled, pecking him on the lips.
"So I guess that means you'll be wanting a lift to school then?" He raised his brow.
"Hmm, you know me too well." I giggled.

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