Jeff Atkins [2]

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Warning: This one is pretty sad so... 

Your POV

I slowly rolled over, hitting my phone to turn of the alarm, and slowly opened my eyes. I had fallen asleep on Jeff's side of the bed again. I glanced around our empty room of our empty house. I pulled the sheets off of my emotionally exhausted body and placed my feet on the cold floor. I hadn't been to school since the car crash and today was my first day back. I was terrified.

I looked over to the bedside table, spotting an old mug Jeff had drank out of the last day I saw him. Tears began to brim in my eyes as I thought about my boyfriend. He had so much to live for. I couldn't bare to move that mug...He had left it there...

It hurt so much! People never believed me, but I loved him with my whole heart. People always said we were way too young and dumb to know and understand love...But they were so wrong. I loved him...He was my soul mate and now he was gone. No one would ever be able to replace him or even come close to him. I will always love him.

I made my way over to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of jeans. I also decided to grab one of Jeff's t-shirts and his Liberty jacket. I quickly hopped into the warm shower.

*Time Skip*

I got out of my car, shaking like crazy. I was terrified. I didn't want peoples sympathy.

I pulled Jeff's jacket tighter around me and put my head down as I made my way through the two large doors and into the packed halls. The moment I stepped in the hall fell silent and everyone stared at me. I sped up my pace slightly and a single tear rolled down my cheek. I got to my locked and lent against it for a moment. My locker was next to Jeff's. That was how we met...Stupid story I know...But that is our story and I love every little bit of it. I unlocked my locker, grabbing my books and slamming it shut. I could hear whispers all through the halls.
"She isn't the only one who misses him"
"She looks terrible."
"I'm sure she will be over him by next week."

I drowned it out...Like I always do. As I walked the halls one comment caught me off-guard.
"She wasn't in love with him. How can she truly understand love, she is too young!"

And with that I snapped. I turned around, tears filling my eyes and anger rising inside of me.
"I WASN'T IN LOVE WITH HIM!" I mocked, "Bullshit...I love him with my whole heart and he was my soulmate."
By this point I was shouting so everyone could hear me, "If I could switch positions with him right now, I would do it in a heartbeat! He was the sweetest, funniest, handsome, incredible man...Oh what I would give to hug him once more..."
"SO DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY I DON'T UNDERSTAND LOVE...DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY I WILL MOVE ON...DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY I DID'NT LOVE THAT MAN!" I screamed, "I will always love him and I'm pretty sure I understand love a lot more than pretty much all of you here...So fuck all of you..."

And with that, I dropped all of my books and ran all the way out of the building. I unlocked my car and fell inside, tears flowing down my face. I drove out of the school and to where it all happened.

I slowly got out of my car and made my way closer to the scene. They had put up a new sigh and cleaned everything up. Anyone who drove down here would not be able to comprehend the tragic events from just over a week ago. I felt closest to him here. If I spoke, I felt like he would be able to hear me.
"If you were here, you would tell me I'll be just fine..." I sobbed, looking up to the sky, "But you're not here and I'm most defiantly not fine! I miss you so much baby, every day it gets worse. Please don't forget about me up there Jeff..."
"If I'm being honest..." I sighed, "I don't think I'll ever be able to be fine again..."

I made my way back to my car but paused to say one last thing, "Don't worry baby...I'll see you soon and we will be together once again..."

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