Clay Jensen [1]

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I realize I do this a lot...But in this imagine you are Justin's sister(twin). I want to use his family for this one so.

Your POV

Tears streamed down my face as I heard screams and yells come from my mother. Meth Seth was back...again...and this caused my home life to become 100 times worse. Justin had disappeared a while ago, with a large amount of money, stolen from Seth. My mum didn't even care that Justin had gone. He was the only one that helped me through this and now he was gone. I couldn't stay here.

I quickly grabbed my already packed bag and tiptoed out of the tiny house I was once able to call home. I quickly ran down the road, making sure I was out of sight, and began to cry. I hated this. I hated all of this! Even my own twin had ran away from me. I was helpless! My only friend, Clay, didn't know about how my home life was and the only person I was ever able to talk to about it was Justin. I needed to find him. 

I continued to walk down the road in tears before I finally broke. I fell to the ground in a pile of hurt and pain. Tears streamed out of my eyes as I thought about everything. My mum didn't want me! My brother had disappeared! I had nothing, no one. 

Out of nowhere, I heard someone say my name.
"Y/N!" A familiar voice said.
"Clay..." I sobbed.
Without hesitation, Clay wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me in for a tight embrace. He just held me. 
"What's wrong Y/N?" He questioned, clear concern could be heard in his voice.
"My mum's drug-addicted, abusive boyfriend has been back for a while and Justin ran away...I can't go back there Clay. I need Justin." I sobbed.
"You can stay at mine Y/N, how long has he been there for?" Clay asked.
"I'm not really sure. He got here a few months before Justin ran away..." I chocked out, "I just want to find Justin...He needs to be okay."
"We will find Justin okay, Tony and I will go on a search for him. But right now you are my priority. I need to get you inside..." Clay smiled to me, grabbing my bag and helping me up.
We made our way into his house and up to his room.

I fell onto his bed and smiled slightly.
"Thanks Clay." I sighed, "I really owe you. I love you." 
I blurted it out, but I didn't regret it. I did love him. As a friend but also as more.
Slowly Clay lent in slightly and our lips touched. Fireworks exploded in my stomach as our lips moved together. We fitted each other perfectly. Like to puzzle pieces. 

After a few moments, we pulled away, both smiling.
"I love you too Y/N." He smiled, giving me another tight embrace.

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