Diego Torres [1]

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I've never written about Diego before so I'm not sure how well this chapter will do compared to other characters but I hope you all enjoy it and comment if you want me to do more chapters on him!!

Your POV

I was sat on the bleachers alone, waiting for my boyfriend Diego to turn up. I had snuck away from my group of friends, Jess, Zach, Clay, Charlie and Alex, to meet with Diego and see him for a few minutes alone. You see, Diego and I had been in a secret relationship for about a month and a half now. We had never told anyone as all of friends don't like Diego. I mean, I don't blame them for it, he was a bit of an asshole towards them all but he was different with me. He was so sweet and funny and he made me so happy. I wished we could tell people about us but sadly I know my friends wouldn't be happy with it.

Diego broker out of my thoughts as he sat next to me and I turned towards him, grabbing his face and giving him a quick kiss.
"Well, someones happy to see." He smirked, pulling my back in and kissing me once again, this time with more passion.
As we pulled away I smirked and shuffled back slightly.
"I'm always happy to see you." I grinned, "I don't have long before I've got to go back, my friends will start wondering where I am."
"Ughh why can't we just tell them now." He huffed.
"Well they all hate you Diego and you know that. I mean you're perfect to me and nice all of the time but you know as well as I do that you're not that nice to them...Especially Clay. You fuck with him all of the time. I sighed.
"I know...look I'm sorry." He frowned, holding my hand.
"Look maybe if you just take a step back, be a bit nicer to them all and then maybe we can tell them about us soon." I suggested, "I really want to tell people but I know it will just cause problems, keeping it a secret is the best idea for now."
"I guess...Look I'll be nicer I promise." Diego half-smiled.

We sat in silence for a few moments before Diego spoke up once again.
"I mean aye, keeping it a secret isn't all that bad. Makes it all more exciting." Diego smirked.
"Oh shh you." I blushed.
"I should really be getting back." I sighed, getting up and grabbing my bag.
"Hmm okay." Diego sighed.
I lent down and gave him a quick peck on the lips before I left.
"I love you, see you later." I smiled, beginning to walk away.
"I love you too." He grinned.
I headed away from the bleachers and towards the cafeteria, back to my friends, hoping that they wouldn't ask about where I had been.

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