Montgomery de la Cruz [12]

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Your POV

I had been at Liberty for just a month now and so far I had actually had a pretty good time. Making friends was always the part that I found difficult but luckily two girls, Jessica Davis and Hannah Baker, befriended me a few weeks ago and they were so sweet. We spent every break and lunch together and when we weren't busy we would see each other on weekends and after school too.

We were currently sat in the cafeteria at lunchtime and strangely I kept feeling a pair of eyes on me, from the table next to us. I looked up, meeting eyes with a brown-eyed boy and smiled slightly, causing him to quickly look away.

Monty's POV

"Come on bro, it's obvious you like her, go ask her out!" Bryce shoved me in the shoulder, noticing that I kept glancing at Y/N who was sat on the table next to us.
"No, I can't just go over there and ask her." I shook my head, disregarding what Bryce said.
"Oh come on Monty, grow some balls." Scott joked, causing everyone to laugh slightly.
"Shut up!" I groaned, rolling my eyes slightly.
"Look bro, either you ask her now or I take my chance." Bryce shrugged his shoulders.
"Ugh fine! I fucking hate you all, assholes!" I groaned, getting up out of seat and making way towards the table of girls.

Your POV

I looked up as the boy that was staring at me earlier made his way towards our table. Both Hannah and Jess rolled their eyes as he leant his elbows down on our table and looked into eyes.
"Heyy, my names Monty." He smiled, introducing himself to me.
"Aha hey, I'm Y/N." I grinned back.
"Ooo beautiful name for an equally as beautiful face, I like it." He smirked, causing me to blush slightly.
"So anyway, Y/N, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go out sometime, I could take you to Rosies one day this week if you would like?" Monty suggested causing a huge smile to spread across my face.
"Why would she ever want to go on a date with you Montgomery, Y/N actually has standards!" Jess butted in before I got a chance to say anything.

"Actually..." I said, causing Monty to look back at me once again, "I'd like to go to Rosies with you Monty, I'm free after school today if that's good for you?"
"Hmm sounds good to me, meet me outside in the carpark after school?" He suggested and I nodded, "Well see you later then beautiful."
"Hehe see you later." I grinned as he walked off, making his way back towards his table.

"Are you kidding me right now Y/N? You said yes to going on a date with Montgomery de la Cruz!?!" Hannah frowned.
"Uhh yeah, why's that a problem?" I raised my brow, clearly confused.
"He's a fucking asshole that's why!" Jess said.
"I know he has a bad reputation but he seemed pretty nice then and he's pretty damn attractive." I smiled.
"Look he's just going to fuck you over and don't expect our sympathy once he does!" Jess shrugged her shoulders.
"We warned you." Hannah added on.
The bell rang for the end of lunch and without warning, both Jess and Hannah jumped up, making their way out of the cafeteria and leaving me alone. I frowned slightly, picking up my bag and beginning to head out of the cafeteria alone.

I looked behind me and noticed Monty jogging towards me.
"Sorry about that, they don't really like me." He shrugged as we both walked together.
"Hmm never would've noticed." I joked.
"You still up for Rosies later?" He asked, "It's fine if not..."
I cut him off, "Of course I am still up for it. I don't want to base my opinion on someone off of what people tell me. I want to get to know you myself."
"Well then, let me walk you to your next class as it's pretty much my fault that Jessica and Hannah left you." Monty offered and I nodded, happily taking his offer.

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