Justin Foley [9]

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Your POV

I woke up to the blinding sun rays inching their way through my half-open curtains, causing me to wince and rollover due to the light. As I turned around, my heart almost jumped out of my chest due to the shock of the man that was curled up beside me. I had no recognition of bringing anyone to bed with me last night and I had no clue who it was either. Taking a moment to examine the mans features, who was facing away from me, my heart fluttered as I realised who it was. Justin Foley lied just inches away from me, snoring peacefully in my bed. I had had a small crush of Justin for years now and honestly I didn't care how he ended up in my bed, I was going to appreciate the moment

He turned around in the bed, facing me, and smiled slightly.
"Good morning princess." He mumbled, snuggling into my neck and planting light kisses on the sensitive skin.
"Hmm morning." I hummed as he pulled away from me slightly and pressed his lips onto mine lightly.
"Sleep well?" He asked as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and I shuffled closer towards him, so our bodies were completely touching.
"Yeah, I slept pretty well thanks." I grinned, "You?"
"Any time I get to sleep beside you, I sleep amazingly so yeah I had a good night sleep thanks." Justing smirked.
"Oh Justin." I giggled, blushing a light shade of pink and trying to hide my face.
"Don't hide your face princess, you look so cute when you blush." Justin said, lifting my head up so our eyes met.
"Well you're just cute in general so I guess you win." I smirked, pecking him lightly on the nose.
"I love you Y/N." Justin grinned and my heart fluttered at the comment.
As I went to reply, an obnoxiously loud beeping noise pulled me out of my thoughts.

I rolled over in my bed, rubbing my tired eyes and grabbed my phone, silencing the sound. Rolling back over in be, I was met with an empty space in my bed and a frown fell upon my face as I realised that everything had just been a dream. Justin Foley wasn't in my bed, he didn't love me, and yet I still had a hopeless crush on him...That clearly was a bigger crush than I originally thought.

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