Montgomery de la Cruz [1] Part 1

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This is based on Lie to me by 5 seconds of summer so maybe listen to it whilst you read this if you want. Also swearing is included.

Your POV

I walked through the loud, crowded halls of Liberty High. head down. Gasps and whispers could be heard as I made my way silently through the crowds. I looked up and met eyes with him for a split second, he looked away almost automatically. He didn't look twice. He had another girl wrapped around me. He only broke up with me last night, after almost a year together. We were the school's power couple. He looked so happy, laughing at one of the boy's jokes. How can he be happy? How can he not care?

I made my way towards him, reluctantly. He never allowed me to have my say last night after he broke up with me over text. I wanted to get my piece out. I finally snapped as his new girl kissed his cheek. I stormed up to him, anger filling my veins.
"Am I really that easy to replace?" I growled.
"Oh not now Y/N, can't we do this somewhere else?" He sighed.
"No Montgomery!" He hated it when I used his full first name, "You don't get to call the shots anymore. Remember, you broke up with me over text. I never got to have my say, so I am having it now!"
"Do you really have to shout!" He groaned, "Not everyone else has to hear!"
"Yes they do actually! I want them to realize how you really are." I shouted.
"Stop Y/N!" He hissed.
"Nah mate don't stop her, I wanna hear this!" Bryce laughed.

I inched closer to him, "While I'm cleaning up the mess you left me in, you are off flirting with some random ass girl! I regret meeting you, I really do. Almost a whole fucking year! Did it mean anything to you? When I asked you if you loved me, were you lying to me? I don't understand, how can you be happy?"
He said nothing.
"Did you ever love me?... Even a little bit?" I sighed.
He said nothing.
"I at least thought you would have the courtesy to lie to me...A whole year and it was just one big fucking joke on your behalf!" I let a single tear roll down my cheek, "I remember thinking I had got this all right for once...I loved you Monty...In fact I still bloody love you!"
Yet again he didn't say a single word.
"I wish we had never met you Montgomery de la Cruz..." I paused for a second, pointing my finger up to his chest, "Because to me you are too hard to forget..."

And with that I span on my heel and pelted out of the school, to the carpark. I unlocked my car and fell inside, in a pile of tears. I loved him! I loved him so much, and the problem is...If he wanted me back, I would run back to him...

...Because I still love him!

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