Montgomery de la Cruz [11]

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I Just started a new 13 Reasons Why Preferences book and it would mean a lot if you guys could go check it out on my profile!!
This is also slightly smutty but not really ahaa!!

Your POV

I was at another one of Bryce Walker's infamous parties and all I wanted right now was my boyfriend, Monty. We couldn't be affectionate around everyone as no one actually knew we were together. Monty and I had been hiding our relationship for the past two months as we were scared that my brother, Scott, wouldn't approve me dating one of his best friends. At this point in the evening, I was sipping my drink in the corner of the room and my phone pinged signifying a text. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the text.
Monty-Meet me in the poolhouse asap ;) xx

I smirked as I read the message, knowing exactly where this was about to go. Downing the last of my drink, I placed my cup on the side and made my way out into the almost empty back garden. Sneaking past Scott and Zach stood together, I ran towards the poolhouse and knocked on the door, waiting for Monty to open it. He opened up and quickly pulled me into the poolhouse, immediately pushing me up against the wall beside the door and connecting his lips with mine, igniting a heated makeout session. My hands tangled themselves in his hair as his hands run up and down my sides, finally resting on my ass. He squeezed it slightly as I pulled off his plaid shirt and followed with his t-shirt, leaving him stood topless. I pulled away for a second, taking in the view and bit my lip slightly before Monty grabbed my face once again and continued our makeout session. 
"Jump..." Monty growled into my ear and I obeyed, wrapping my legs around his waist, making sure not to break our kiss.

He walked with me for a second, before dropping me on the sofa and climbing on top of me, he went to connect our lips once again, but at that moment the pool house door swung open. Scott and Zach were both stood, with shocked looks spread across their faces, unsure of how to react to the whole situation.
"Fuck..." Monty jumped off of me, running to grab his short and pull it on.
"What the hell is going on with you guys?" Scott gasped, "Tell me the've both been acting strangely for like two months now"
"Uhh well..." Monty began, but I cut him off.
"Look Scott, I know you probably won't be happy hearing this but frankly it's our choice, not yours...We've been dating for two months now." I gave in.
"Why wouldn't I like that? I mean yeah it's a bit strange, my best friend and my sister, but it's whatever makes you both happy. I can't stop you. I'm happy for you guys.!" Scott shrugged his shoulders.
"Wait, really?" Monty raised his brow.
"As long as you know Monty, if you fuck her over I will fucking kill you." Scott laughed lightly.
"I wasn't planning on fucking her over so that's good." Monty smiled.
"Anyway we'll go now, NO WEIRD SHIT ANYMORE THO, IT'S GROSS!" Scott cringed, walking away.
"Congrats guys!" Zach grinned, walking away and shutting the door behind him.

"Well he took that better than expected." I smiled slightly.
"He did." Monty agreed, locking the poolhouse door.
"Anyway, where were we?" He smirked as he walked towards me, pushing me back down on the sofa, getting back on top of me

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