Montgomery de la Cruz [9] Part 1

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Your POV

I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I

I had been at Bryce's party for around an hour and to be completely honest, I had hated every second of it. My ex-boyfriend Monty was hugged up with my so-called friend, F/N. Monty and I had technically been split up for just over a month now but to be completely honest, we were still in a weird friends with benefits situation. I was with Monty for around ten months and of course it was tough for me to get over him and well one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together one night at one of Bryce's parties. One night turned into two and eventually it became a normal thing. Friends with benefits was fine but I was finding the whole 'friends' thing with him difficult.

After a few drinks, I ended up cuddled up with some jock, that in all honesty, I had no interest in. Monty had my friend glued to his side so I wanted to show him that I had someone too. In my drunken state, I ended up making out with this jock, whose name I can't remember, in front of everyone, including Monty. As I pulled away from the boy, I saw Monty stood with his jaw clenched just a few metres away.

After another hour of flirting with the guy, doing countless rounds of shots with him and dancing, a text pinged on my phone. I unlocked it and read the text;
Monty-Meet me in the bathroom now!

I slipped away from the guy and into the crowd of sweaty teenagers, trying to make my way towards the stairs. As I stumbled up the stairs, I checked the time before reaching the bathroom. It was 12:05 and of course I knew what was about to happen.

The moment I opened the bathroom door and shut it behind me, it was locked and I was pushed up against it by the familiar, clearly just as drunk as me, boy. He pressed his lips against mine as I saw the lust gloss over his deep brown eyes. The kiss was passionate and turned into a heated makeout session almost instantly.

Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again

*Time skip to after*

I pulled my small, black dress back on and straightened my hair in the mirror, trying to make myself look presentable. Both Monty and I had clearly sobered up significantly since the start of our encounter and reality hit me as I stood, staring blankly at myself in the mirror. How was this guy able to make me feel incredible one second and then within the blink of an eye I was back to feeling unwanted. I couldn't get over him, I loved him. All I wanted was to get back with him, it was so tough trying to act all friendly with him when we saw each other. I don't think the whole friends with benefits situation was helping me get over him either. Monty looked at me through the mirror and butterflies erupted in my stomach as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I pushed all my feelings to the side and finally decided to tell him my true feelings.

We can never be friends

"Look, Monty, I can't keep doing this..." I sighed, rubbing my temples.
"What do you mean baby?" He raised his brow.
"...Don't call me that." I groaned.
"Oh come on, you know you love it really, baby." Monty smirked.
"Yeah that's the problem, I do like it. I like it a hell of a fucking lot." I frowned.
"How is that a problem then?" Monty half laughed.
"How do you expect me to get over you if we keep doing this...?" I asked.
"What do you mean Y/N? We are friends." He shrugged his shoulders.
"For christ sake Montgomery, we were together for ten fucking months and we only broke up a month ago. I still like you and this whole friends with benefits thing isn't helping me get over you. We're not doing this anymore!" I growled, beginning to collect my belongings and walk out of the bathroom, "If you don't want a relationship with me that's fine do whatever makes you happy, but we are not doing this anymore."
"Oh come on." Monty sighed.
"After all of this, we can never be friends." I shrugged my shoulders as I walked down the stairs and straight out of Bryces front door at almost 1am.

Monty may never speak to me again after all of that but at least I would be able to get over my feelings eventually.

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