Montgomery de la Cruz [3]

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Smutty I guess.

Your POV

I wandered across the grounds of Liberty high towards the guys changing rooms, waiting outside for my boyfriend, Monty. As all of the guys left I looked out for him but there was no sign of him. I glanced out into the bleachers, watching as everyone made their way around busily. The refreshing breeze hit my face as I examined my surroundings. Out of nowhere, I felt a hand grab me and pull me into the guys changing room.

"WHAT THE FU..." Monty cut me off by placing his finger onto my lips.
"You need to keep it down." Monty whispered sensually into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
I held my breath as I watched Monty's every move. He slowly inched closer and closer to me causing me to shuffle back slightly until my back was pressed against the door. Both of Monty's hands were pressed firmly against the door on each side of my head, preventing me from moving. Without a single word, his lips attacked mine in a passionate kiss. My hands made their way into his soft hair, tangling themselves automatically and pulling him deeper into the make-out session. His hands moved from either side of the door to under my T-shirt, running them up and down my sides. I smiled into the kiss as I took control, pushing him onto one of the benches. I straddled him, not letting our lips disconnect for a split second. My mind drifted from the thoughts of where we were and quickly changed to what I was doing.

We pulled away for a few seconds to regain our breath before colliding once again. I threw all of my love and passion for Monty into the kiss and I could feel that he had done the exact same. My hands untangled their selves from Monty's hair and I directed his hands to the hem of my T-shirt. Without a thought he tugged at the fabric, pulling it over my head and throwing it on the floor. I moved my attention to his shirt, pulling it off and also throwing it without a single care. Our lips connected once again as my hands fumbled with his belt buckle, eagerly trying to undo it. 

The moment I succeeded and began to unbutton his jeans I heard the door of the changing rooms creak open and both Monty and I jumped up.
"Oh fuck man, sorry I just...Needed to get this." Zach gasped, grabbing his jacket and quickly exiting the awkward situation.
"Well shit." I giggled, pulling on my T-shirt and fixing my hair slightly.
"Hey I wasn't done." Monty pouted, doing up his belt.
"Well I've got 3rd period now so." I smirked as the bell went off, pecking his lips, "Have fun."

I made my way quickly out of the changing rooms, attempting to not make direct eye contact with anyone as I made my way towards the main building. I could feel my cheeks burning as I saw Zach but I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation.

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