Clay Jensen [7]

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Your POV

I sat on my boyfriend, Clay's, bed, watching him write down the answers to his homework. As much as I loved spending time in Clay's presence, I was growing increasingly bored by the minute and I wanted to do something.
"I'm boredddd." I groaned, rolling around on Clays bed, trying to get his attention.
"Well do something productive then." Clay said, not taking his eyes off of the notebook that he had lent on his knee.
I huffed but gave up, unlocking my phone and scrolling through my Instagram.

After just over fifteen minutes of scrolling through my social media, I became bored once again and I decided to force Clay to give me attention. I grinned, grabbing a pillow from the top of Clay's bed without him noticing. A smile tugged on my lips as I lifted the pillow up and smacked Clay, lightly in the face with it.
"Hey, no fair!" Clay pouted, automatically grabbing a pillow.
One thing about Clay was that he would never turn down a pillow fight. He would fight until he won.

He attacked me, smacking me in the shoulder with the feather filled, pillow, causing me to gasp.
"You really want to do this." Clay laughed.
"I'm going to win so hell yeah!" I laughed, smacking Clay in the face with the pillow once again.
"Well the fight is on!" Clay exclaimed, sitting up fully and smacking me directly in the face with the pillow.

I shuffled so I was now on my knees, giving me the freedom to move around freely. Clay and I smacked each other repeatedly with our pillows, giggling like little children as we did so. This pillow fight continued on for around five more minuted until I his him in the face and he winced in pain. I dropped my pillow and sat on Clay, concern filling my eyes. He was lied on the bed and I straddled him, looking into his eyes. 

Clays frown slowly disappeared and was replaced with a devious smirk. Without giving me a chance to think, he smacked me in the face with the pillow, causing me to gasp.
"No fair!" I pouted, "That's cheating."
Clay put his pillow down, still trapped underneath me, and put his hands up in defence.
"I'm sorry, truce?" He suggested and I smiled slightly.
"Truce." I grinned, looking into Clays eyes as I did so.
I closed the gap between Clay and I and we shared a short but sweet kiss.
"I love you." He mumbled as I pulled away.
"I love you too." I grinned, "Thanks for giving me attention now."
"Was that why you attacked me with a pillow?" He giggled as I rolled off of him, allowing him to sit up.
"Hmm maybe..." I smirked as Clay pulled me into a tight embrace.

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