Zach Dempsey [12]

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Your POV

Zach and I were sat just inches apart on my bed, revising together for the upcoming Biology test that we had together. There was an uncomfortable silence that loomed in my bedroom and all I wanted to do was escape the awkwardness. You see, just moments ago, Zach had confessed his feelings that he had for me out of the blue. Me being the awkward human that I am, pretty much friend-zoned the guy that I had liked for years right to his face. I didn't mean to but I rambled and one thing led to another and I said that I only saw him 'as a friend'. Ever since then, the room had fallen into complete silence and I was too afraid to speak.

After a few moments, I shut my book in my lap, causing Zach to look up and me and I sighed slightly.
"Look..." I began but Zach cut me off straight away.
"It's fine ok Y/N. I didn't expect you to feel the same way, it's whatever." Zach shrugged.
"No...I didn't mean what I said Zach." I said, rubbing my temples as I did so.
"What do you mean?" Zach raised his brow slightly.
"I mean...I didn't mean to friend zone you, I'm just bad at expressing my feelings and I ramble a lot." I admitted, "I've actually liked you for quite a while now but I never thought you'd feel the same way towards me."
"Wait, really?" He asked and I nodded, causing a huge grin to spread across the perfect boy's lips.

Without warning, Zach quickly closed the gap between us and pressed his lips softly against mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I quickly kissed back and my arms wrapped around Zach's neck. The kiss lasted for a few moments before we both pulled away and looked deeply into each other's eyes.
"That was incredible." Zach breathed deeply, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"I've wanted to kiss you for so long so I think I have an idea." I joked, causing Zach to laugh lightly.
"Well Y/N, would you maybe like to go on a date with me sometime?" He asked.
"I would love to Zach." I grinned and leant into him once again, closing the gap to ignite another kiss.

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