Charlie St George [2]

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Your POV

I sat, alone, in the small music room of Liberty high, pressing the keys on the keyboard harshly. Today had generally been an overall crappy day and as of this very moment, I was ready for hell to split though the floor and swallow me up. Let me explain, me and my boyfriend of almost ten months, Charlie, had got into a fight a few weeks back and it ended pretty badly. We ended up breaking up and we haven't spoke since then. Today was the first day that we were both back in Liberty since summer break and of course seeing him set me off. I mean I spent ten months on that boy, he my soulmate and I'm completely lost without him.

I pressed a few keys one after another, making up a familiar tune to me. During the past few weeks, I had written a song about how I was feeling. My escape from reality had always been music. I was bought up learning to play the piano and guitar and during my teenage years I had developed a love for singing and songwriting too.

My fingers reluctantly continued playing the all to familiar tune and I began to get lost in the music. I had never played this song to anyone and I wouldn't want anyone hearing it, especially him. As the tune continued, I began to hum along to the tune and slowly the words flowed off my tongue. 

Counting days, counting days
Since my love up and got lost on me
And every breath that I've been takin'
Since you left feels like a waste on me

Emotions overtook me as the bitter words fell from my lips.

I've been holding on to hope
That you'll come back when you can find some peace
'Cause every word that I've heard spoken
Since you left feels like a hollow street

Tears threatened to spill from my tired and sore eyes.

I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side

There must be something in the water
'Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold ya
You'd keep my head from going under

As I went to begin the second half of the song, I heard a light cough from behind me. Almost automatically, I whipped my head around towards the door, silently praying to see anyone but him. Of course, out of everyone it could've been, it was Charlie stood at the door with an almost shocked expression plastered on his face.
"W-wh..." I stuttered, wiping the tears from my lash line.
"Don't stop..." He said, in an almost pleading tone.
Not wanting to argue with him, and assuming he had already heard the first half of the song I decided to just turn back around and continue from where I left off.

Maybe I, maybe I'm just being blinded
By the brighter side
Of what we had because it's over
Well there must be something in the tide

I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side

I sat completely upright and swallowed the lump in my throat as I continued on.

There must be something in the water
'Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
It's your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
And I'm tired of being so exhausted
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Even though I'm nothing to you now
Even though I'm nothing to you now

There must be something in the water
'Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
There must be something in the water
'Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under

I played the final few notes on the keyboard and took a deep breath, finishing the song. Turning on the stall that I was sat on, I met eyes with Charlie. The once shocked look that was plastered upon his face had now been replaced with an almost distraught look. Charlie very rarely cried but at this very moment, tears spilt from his eyes and down both of his rosy red cheeks. I sniffed slightly and tried to act casual.
"You're the first person that has heard me sing that," I shrugged my shoulders, trying to hide all of my hurt and pain, "Wrote it myself."
I got up from the seat I was sat in and grabbed my rucksack, chucking my belongings into it and zipping it up.
"I am just gonna go..." I sighed, anxiety racing through my body.
"No...Please wait." He sniffed, wiping his cheeks, "That was incredible...Was it all true"
"Of course." I sighed, letting the tears brim in my eyes once again, "Writing about my feelings is how I get through stuff.
"Look...I'm so sorry." He rubbed his temples, "I'm such a mess without you and I didn't realize until today, when I was face to face with you, that you felt the same way...At least I think you feel the same way?"
"Of course I do Charlie, I spent the past few weeks crying to myself in bed...Fuck, Charlie, I miss you so much..." I sighed and we both met eyes once again.
Without another word being spoken we both stepped into each others arms and shared a tight embrace. The hug lasted for what only felt like a split second before we both pulled away and Charlie began to speak once again.
"So would you maybe want to try this all again? Like...Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Charlie asked and butterflies erupted in my stomach, almost just like the first time.
"Yes Charlie, I would love too." I grinned and he pulled me in for a soft, yet sweet kiss.

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