Zach Dempsey [3]

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Your POV 

School dances were never my thing. Dressing up to stand in the corner of the school hall awkwardly for hours, no thank you. Being best friends with Jessica Davis however gave me no choice. She had begged me for weeks to go with her until I had finally gave in and worse yet she had told me about some sort of secret surprise her and Justin had for me. I had no clue what to expect from both of them but I had my suspicions and worries. 

Let me explain, I had this huge crush on no other than Zach Dempsey. Jess always told me I should just confront him about it before she did it for me and I was terrified that this little 'surprise' for me was just that. 

I was shaken out of my thoughts by an eager knock at the door. I opened it to reveal Jess.
"Oh my god Y/N you look stunning!" She smiled.
"So do you Jess, where's Justin?" I questioned, usually those two were almost conjoined 24/7.
"Oh he ended up riding down with Zach." She smirked and I looked at her concerned.
"What have you done?" I sighed, grabbing my bag and locking my front door, heading towards the car.
"Nothing." She wined.
"Hmm, why do I not believe you?" I rolled my eyes, laughing slightly as we got in the car, heading to dance.
"I guess you'll just have to wait and see." She smirked once again, causing anxiety to built up inside me.

*Time Skip*

We made it to the dance and by this point, Jess had dragged me to get a drink.
"Why are we just standing here?" I questioned Jess.
"We are waiting for Justin and Zach." She laughed.
"Wait!" I paused and she looked at me, "You are telling me I have to speak to him? Jess, you didn't prepare me for that."
"I'm sure he'll do most of the talking as long as Justin has done his job properly." She shrugged her shoulders.
"What do you me..." I was cut off by her grabbing me.
"Look there they are!" Jess waved, getting Justin's attention, "Just stay calm."
"Damn he looks Fucking perfect." I whispered, not expecting Jess to hear me.
"Of course you would say that." She laughed, rolling her eyes slightly.
The boys slowly made their way towards us and Justin nodded to Jess, causing me to become even more confused.
"Have fun!" She simply said, walking towards Justin.
"Wait what." I looked at her but they both walked away, hand in hand.

"Hey Y/N." Zach smiled once he was in front of me.
"Oh hey." I tried to stay calm.
"So uhmm look Justin was talking to me on the way here." He started.
"...Right..." I said slightly awkwardly.
"Look he told me you liked me." He stated and I went to speak but he cut me off, "Before you say anything, I'm happy he told me because I like you too."
"Wait, really?" I smiled slightly.
"Of course I do, who wouldn't?" Zach laughed, "I mean you are so genuine and nice and beautiful and not fake like most people around here."
"Awh thanks Zach." I blushed as he took my hand and continued talking.
"So basically what my awkward ass is trying to say is would you maybe like to dance with me?" He asked.
"I would love to Zach." I smiled as he guided me to the dance floor.

*Another time skip*

Zach and I swayed side to side as the song slowly came to an end.
"Y/N?" He began to speak up.
"Yeah?" I smiled, looking into his eyes.
"I know this may be a bit fast but I was wondering if you would maybe like to be my girlfriend?" He asked.
Butterflies filled my stomach the moment I heard those words come out of his mouth, "Yes, of course, I would love to." I smiled and we both lent in for a short and sweet kiss.

I looked over to see both Justin and Jess looking at us smiling like crazy.

Thank you so much for 5k reads on this book, that's actually insane!

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