Justin Foley [10]

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Slight smut warning for this chapter

Your POV

It was just gone two in the morning and, I was currently sat in Bryce Walker's pool house, drunk, with Justin Foley. You may wonder how I ended up here at such a time with Justin, I'll explain...
It was Saturday and Bryce decided to have a gathering with his close friends, I was dragged there by my brother, Monty, and I mainly played videogames and chilled all night with the guys. As it hit midnight, everyone dispersed into rooms to go to sleep, just leaving Justin and I alone in Bryce's livingroom. Justin was currently staying at Bryce's, in his pool house, and that was where he was sleeping each night. He invited me to come chill with him in there so we could talk and not wake anyone up and that was how I ended up in there. Justin and I had never been the closest of friends and originally I used to dislike him, I don't really know why but I just never really wanted to become friends with him. Over the years of knowing him and having to hang around with him, we had never really got closer, but there was something interesting about him to me. I would never tell him or anyone else this, but I had developed what I would call a 'small crush' on Justin.

We were currently sat on the sofa bed that was set up in the pool house, laughing and giggling whilst passing a half-drunk bottle of vodka between us.
"You knowww..." I began, pausing to take a gulp of the bitter liquor that sat in my hands.
"what?" Justin raised his brow, grabbing the bottle out of my hands, taking his turn.
"I actually used to really not like you." I laughed.
"Wait, why? I'm actually a really cool guy thank you very muchhh!" Justin acted fake disappointed.
"I don't even know why." I shrugged my shoulders, "But I don't anymore so it's fine. I actually think you're a really sweet guy, and..."
I cut myself off before saying what I was about to say, I was not drunk enough to confess my feelings and get friend-zoned right now.
"And what?" Justin asked, gulping the vodka out of the bottle.
"It doesn't matter, it's nothing." I responded.
"No, you can't say it's nothing, I wanna know nowwww!" Justin half slurred.
"Hmm if you really want me to tell you, I'm gonna need that bottle to get myself drunker so I don't remember the embarrassment of this whole convosation." I giggled.
"Fine." Justin shrugged, handing me the bottle.
I lifted it up to my lips and took a few large gulps of the harsh liquor, feeling it burn as it went down my throat. Justin and I sat in silence for a few moments, before the excessive amount of vodka I had just drank went straight to my head and I plucked up the courage to tell him what I was going to.

"Soooooo..." I slurred.
"Come on, tell me!" Justin laughed, grabbing the almost empty bottle off of me and gulping down the last few mouthfuls of alcohol, making him just as drunk as me.
"Well basically, maybeee...I may have a very slight, tinyyy crush on you..." I admitted, "Well it's not really tiny, it's actually quite a big crush, butttt...It's fine. You're Justin fucking Foley and you would never like me so it's fine ahaaa!!"

I looked up for the first time after confessing how I felt and made eye contact with Justin. Without warning, Justin shuffled closer to me, placing one hand on my cheek, and leaning in towards me. His soft lips touched mine and for a second I was in complete shock, having to process the whole situation before kissing back.
In our drunken state, things escalated quickly and the next thing I knew, Justin was on top of me whilst we continued our passionate makeout session. He pulled away for a second and looked into my eyes.
"I-I like you to Y/N." He stuttered.
"Hmm really?" I giggled, grabbing his face and pulling him back closer to me.
"Look, just let me know if you want to stop, ok?" Justin said, inches away from my face.
"Shut up and kiss me already Foley, I want this, I want you, I need you right now." I whispered the last part in this ear and I could feel his hot breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
"Well, your wish is my command." Justin grinned, making me giggle as he lent back in and pressed his lips against mine once again.

*Time Skip*

I woke up wrapped tightly in someones protective arms, with a terrible headache. At first, I was confused, but after a few moments, I looked at whose arms I was wrapped in and the memories of last night came flooding back.

After a few moments, I felt movement come from beside me and Justin's crystal blue eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning." I smiled, hoping he would remember what had happened last night.
"Hmm morning princess." He grinned, causing me to smirk slightly.
"Look we should get dressed, don't want people questioning where we are." I pointed out, throwing Justin's arm off me and wrapping myself in a sheet as I collected my clothes that were scattered across the floor.
"Maybe they should find out." Justin shrugged, getting up and collecting his clothes, throwing them on.
"You want to tell them? Why? Ah yes sounds like a perfect idea, telling my overprotective bother that I got drunk and fucked his best friend." I laughed as I finished getting dressed.
"Well no we don't have to tell them we fucked..." Justin said, "We could tell them that you're my girlfriend."
"Wait...seriously?" I grinned, "I think I'm going to need you to ask me properly."
"Hmm ok..." Justin said as he sat up on the edge of the sofa bed.
He reached out and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me towards him so I was stood in between his legs.
"Y/N de la Cruz, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, causing me to blush like crazy.
"I would love to be your girlfriend Justin." I grinned.
He pulled me in for a short and sweet kiss before we both freshened up and prepared to go tell everyone the news.

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