Zach Dempsey [4]

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Your POV 

I was sat in the music room alone, guitar in my hand, plucking a few random cords. I tried to hold my tears back as I thought back to the events that had happened just yesterday. My boyfriend of over a year, Zach Dempsey, had said he wanted to take a break. He gave me no explanation or anything and I hadn't seen him since. I was basically hiding away in the music room so I didn't awkwardly bump into him in the cafeteria or something. 

Singing and playing guitar had always been a huge passion of mine and it allowed me to let out my emotions. The few random cords that I had once been playing had turned into a familiar tune and I began to sing softly.

Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase you with the cold evening
Let a couple years water down how I'm feeling about you 
And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment
And I gotta convince myself I don't want it, even though I do 

I let a few tears roll down my rosy cheeks as I continued singing.

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward but it's true

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you

I know I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you

We never got it right
Playing and re-playing old conversations
Over-thinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it's not me
And what's the point in hiding
Everybody knows we got unfinished business
And I regret it if I didn't say this isn't what it could be 

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward but it's true

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you

I know I'd go back to you
I go back to you
I go back to you
I know I said I wasn't sure
But I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward but it's true
Won't lie, I'd go back to you

You know, my thoughts are running loo
It's just a thing you make me do
And I could fight, but what's the use?
I know I'd go back to you

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you

I'll go back to you
I'll go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
(I go back to you, I go back to you)
I know I'd go back to you

As I sang the last few words a light cough from behind me caused me to wipe my tear-stained cheeks and span around on the spiny chair I was sat on. The moment my eyes met the tall figures' eyes in the doorway I looked to the ground.

"That was incredible. I'll never get over how beautiful your voice is." Zach said, breaking the awkward silence between us.
"T-thank you." I stuttered, playing with my sleeve on my top.
"I was looking for you everywhere." Zach rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.
"Well you found me." I replied, attempting to sound slightly happy but failing miserably.
"Look I'm sorry about last night." He began, "Justin told me that he saw you flirting with Jeff and I just didn't really think about it properly and I just got angry. I don't know why I believed it, especially bearing in mind it was Justin who told me. Anyway, I went to speak to Jeff first thing this morning and he told me that you were guys were just talking about my birthday. I feel so shitty for just jumping to conclusions and not just speaking to you. Please forgive me Y/N."
"Oh Zach." I said, taking in everything that he had just said to me.
"I'm genuinely so sorry, please believe me. I don't know what I'll do without you." Zach looked towards the ground.

I quickly jumped out of my chair, placing my guitar down, and stepped closer to him. He looked into my eyes and I smiled slightly.
"Well luckily for you, I guess you won't have to find out what you'll do without me." I said before standing on my tiptoes and connecting my lips with his.
It took him a second to kiss back but once he did we melted into each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we both pulled away.
"So does that mean you'll be my girlfriend...again?" Zach laughed lightly.
"I would love to be your girlfriend 'again'." I laughed and pulled him in for a tight embrace.

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