Justin Foley [2]

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Your POV 

I walked back into Liberty, bag slung over my shoulder and frown on my face. My boyfriend, Justin, hadn't been in school for the past few weeks and he wasn't answering my calls. As soon as he spotted me, Zach jogged over to me and smiled lightly.
"Uhh...I have some kinda good news...Can you maybe skip first so I can take you somewhere?" He asked, hope in his voice.
"Uhh sure...I probably won't be concentrating anyway..." I sighed and followed Zach out of the building and towards his car.

*Time Skip*

We pulled up to Bryce's house and I turned to Zach.
"Why are we here?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Uhh...basically...He turned up at Bryce's last night." Zach rubbed his temples.
"Who...Oh my...Is he here!" I almost shouted.
Zach handed me keys and smiled.
"He has been on the streets for the past few weeks because meth Seth is back..." Zach sighed, "He is in the pool house."
"Oh my!" I sighed, "Thank you so much!"
I pulled Zach into a hug and jumped out of his car. He exited Bryce's drive and made his way back to the school. I almost ran towards Bryce's pool house and unlocked the door. I opened it and there he was.

"...Y/N?" He rubbed his eyes and smiled slightly.
"Justin!" I said, letting tears fall down my cheeks.
I ran up to him and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. Mine made their way around his neck and I sobbed on his shoulder. He moved one of his hands up and began to rub the back of my neck, hushing me.
"Shh...I-I'm so sorry princess..." He whispered.
I felt a single tear fall on the back of my neck and I pulled away slightly.
"I-It's not your fault Justin!" I wiped my eyes, "I know all about how you ran away because Seth is back."
I grabbed his hand and led him to the sofa so he could talk about everything. We at down and he began to talk.
"It all just became too much." He sighed, "He started hitting me again and I couldn't just sit there and let it happen again. I tried to call you I promise. My phone died before I got a chance and there was no way I could contact you. I missed you so bloody much Y/N! Every single day and night on those streets, I thought about you. When I got to Bryce's, last night, I was terrified that you wouldn't want to see me. I thought you might hate me. I'm truly sorry."
"Shh Justin." I pulled him in for another tight embrace, "I would never be able to stop loving you...I'm just glad you are here and you are safe baby. Please don't leave again. It was absolute hell without you. I have been unable to eat...Sleep...Anything. I have been so worried. I'm just happy you are alive."
"I'll always come back for you." Justin smiled, leaning in and giving me a soft, meaningful liss.
"I love you Justin Foley." I smiled.
"And I love you Y/F/N!" He grinned.
"Let's just stay here and cuddle all day. Sound like a plan?" I smirked.
"As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy. He replied.

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