Scott Reed [1]

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You are Zach's sister in this.

Your POV

I walked across the empty sports pitch, taking in the surroundings. I felt two large arms snake around my waist and pull me behind the bleachers, causing me to yelp.
"Shhh!" A familiar voice whispered in my ear.
"Oh my Scott, don't scare me like that..." I turned towards him and his face was full of sadness, "Wait whoa...Scott." 
"What's up." I lifted up his chin.
"I..." He trailed off.
"Talk to me please...I'm worried." I frowned.
"Okay...Uhh so you know this whole 'Friends' act we have going on?" He said, "I can't keep it up Y/N I'm sorry..."
"Oh Scott...You promised not to fall..." I sighed, "Didn't you?"
"Y/N, so did you though." He had a point.
"I can't help the feelings I have for you." He looked into my eyes.
"Zach will kill you Scott, you know that!" I sighed.
"Maybe you are worth that risk..." Scott wrapped his arms around my waist.
My arms made their way around his neck and we both lent in for a short but sweet kiss.

"Okay, if we are gonna do this, we are gonna do it as I say." I smiled.
"First..." Scott smirked, "Y/N Dempsey will you please be my official girlfriend?"
"Oh I would love to!" I smiled, "Okay right we should tell him later at Bryce's because he may be slightly drunk and we can tell the rest of the guys then. Sound like a plan?"
"Okay." He smiled.
"We should head to class." I suggested.
"Or we could skip 1st and go get coffee." He smirked.
"Oh you are such a bad influence on me!" I giggled.
"But you love it." He grabbed my hand and we made our way towards my car.

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