Charlie St George [1]

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Your POV

I walked into The Crestmont, waiting for Jess to finish her shift. As I walked in, I spotted Jess and a new guy, who I hadn't seen working here before. The moment Jess noticed me walk in, she jogged over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. We were just about far enough away from the mystery boy, that I was able to lower my voice and speak without him hearing.
"Whose the new guy?" I asked, motioning towards the guy.
"Oh he's called Charlie." Jess replied, "He's actually starting Liberty next week and he's a sophomore, like you."
"Nice." I said, not taking my eyes off of the boy.

He was clearly a very attractive guy and as he was new to Liberty, he was not yet corrupted by the Jocks. I would really like to get to know him and possibly become friends.
"Stop staring at him." Jess giggled, "Oh my god, you like him."
"What no way! I don't even know him, slow down a bit!" I gasped.
"Look come on, I'll introduce you to him." She grinned, grabbing my arm and dragging me over to him.
She ignored my begging and pleading and we both stopped at the counter, where he was stood, cleaning.
"Charlie!" Jess clapped, causing the boy to look up.
He looked at Jess and then automatically noticed me. Being this close to him, his eyes were even more crystal blue than they looked from affar. We made eye contact for a split second and he smiled slightly, causing me to half smile back, in responce.
"This is my, very single, friend Y/N!" Jess said, causing me to turn bright red and kick her leg slightly.
I had not expected her to introduce us like that.
"Well nice to meet you, 'very single' Y/N!" He laughed and I shook my head.
"I did not expect her to say that." I groaned, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine, let me introduce myself." He laughed lightly, "I'm Jess's, very single, co-worker Charlie."
"Ah well nice to meet you 'very single' Charlie." I laughed, warming up to the situation that had suddenly become less awkward.

At this point, I turned around, noticing that Jess had wandered off to continue working.
"Well anyway, I heard that you are joining Liberty next week." I smiled.
"Yeah, sophomore year." He jokingly rolled his eyes.
"Aye me too, we will probally be in quite a few classes together." I pointed out, "Have you got your timetable yet?"
"No, I have to go get it from the office on Monday." He replied, flattening the creases out of his work uniform, "I'm going to get so lost on my first day."
"If you meet me outside the doors in the morning, I'll show you where the office is and then we can work out what lessons we are in together." I suggested, "I can help show you around...Only if you want."
"I would like that." Charlie smiled, causing me to blush slightly, "It would really put me at ease to have someone that I already know to show me around."
"Yeah no problem, honestly it will be no trouble. Most of our classes will probally be the same anyway." I pointed out
I paused for a second, gaining confidence, before taking my chance.
"Look, if you pass me your phone, I'll give you my number so you can text me when you are there on Monday." I used that as an excuse to give him my phone number.
"Yeah sure, here." He unlocked his phone and passed it to me.
I quickly typed in my number and gave my contact a name, before saving it and handing it back to him.
"I'll text you after work so you have my number." He grinned, putting his phone back in the draw that it was kept in during work.
"Okay." I smiled.

At this point Jess walked over to us and smiled.
"Right, as much as you both seem to be getting on, Y/N and I need to go." Jess said and I turned to her nodding.
"Have a good night." I said to Charlie as Jess grabbed her belongings and prepared to leave.
"Yeah you too Y/N, I'll text you later." He smiled and I nodded as Jess and I walked away together.

I knew that the moment we stepped outside, Jess was going to have so many questions to ask me about what happened and what we both spoke about.

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