Montgomery de la Cruz [10]

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This is kinda crap but I wanted to start writing again as season 4 comes out soon!!

Your POV

It was Monday afternoon and I had just finished up cheer practice with the girls and I was sat alone on the bleachers. I had felt down all day due to what had happened at Bryce's party on Saturday. You see, Monty and I had been 'dating' for a few months and I really thought it was going somewhere. Monty had never officially asked me out but I still gave him my all over these months and acted like he was my boyfriend because I was stupid and thought that he just didn't want to put a label on it. I mean, he really did act like we were a couple when we were both alone, he would take me on cute dates and do normal things couples do, but the moment he was around his friend's he'd change completely. On Saturday, I finally gave in, after Jess told me I needed to speak to him to see where I stood with him, and asked him what we were. In front of all of the jocks at the party, Monty laughed in my face and told me we were just friends. I hadn't spoken to him since. I had ignored all of his calls and texts.

I felt someone's presence coming towards me and I looked up, spotting exactly who I didn't want to see. Monty hadn't been in all day so I hadn't bumped into him so he must've specifically come in to talk to me. He did look pretty rough, his under-eye bags were a deep blue, indicating a lack of sleep and his cheeks were puffy, meaning that he had probably been crying.

I grabbed my bag as Monty reached me and got up, going to walk away.
"No, Y/N...please. Just hear me out." Monty begged, his voice breaking mid-sentence.
I looked into his brown eyes and could see the hurt and pain glaze over them. I sighed and gave in, throwing my bag to the ground and slumping down back onto the bleachers.

Monty's POV

I sat down next to Y/N on the bleachers and took a deep breath, processing my thoughts before I tried to speak. My stupid self had already messed everything up enough just by saying a few words, I didn't want to make it worse.
"Look...I'm so fucking sorry. I'm a complete asshole and I said some really heartless things whilst I was drunk. Drinking doesn't excuse any of this mess, it's all my fault. I've never been good with expressing my feelings..." I sighed, "And I've also never been good at apologising."
A slight giggle escaped Y/N's lips and I smiled slightly, loosening up.

You've got a million reasons to hesitate
But Darling, the future's better than yesterday

"I know that I've given you a million reasons to hate me and not want me anymore but you really do mean so much to me and I should've shown you that before I messed it up. I've given you a million reasons to walk away, but please give me another chance..." I looked into Y/N's E/C eyes, searching for an answer, "I promise you I'll make up for all of the tears and sleepless nights I've caused you and I promise you won't regret giving me a second chance. I'll give you the best years."
"...Monty, what are you saying?" Y/N half-smiled, clearly in shock.
"I want to make you mine...I want to hold your hair when you drink too much and carry you home when you cannot stand up. I want to be there for you and treat you like a princess like you deserve. You cared for me and treated me like I meant something whilst I was half a man to you. I want to make you mine and show you off, it really would make me the luckiest man in the world if you gave me a second chance. I promise you I won't mess it up this time." I said, not breaking eye contact as I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers.
"I want to be yours." She half-whispered, causing a huge grin to spread across my face.
"Well Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Properly this time, I want to show you off and I promise you won't regret it." I asked.
"Yes Monty, I would love to be your girlfriend!" Y/N grinned.
I slowly closed the gap between us and we shared a short and sweet kiss.

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