Alex Standall [7]

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[Your POV]

I was sat, at Bryce's house, on the sofa, watching Monty and Alex play some random video game. See, you may ask why I'm sat here, wasting my time here when I could be doing literally anything else and honestly I don't know. My brother, Scott, had asked me to come over with him and of course, me being an idiot, I came with him. Everyone else had gone outside except Monty and Alex.

Monty and Alex were currently arguing with each other over their stupid video game and I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed. Alex and I had a very love-hate friendship. I mean, I hated his guts and his voice pissed me off every time he opened his mouth but at the same time, he was hot. He had always been intriguing to me and of course, he was very attractive. As the boys continued to argue, I began to speak.
"Alex, that mouth of yours, does it ever stop making that annoying, whiney noise?" I rolled my eyes and Monty laughed at my comment.
"Y/N, do you ever stop butting into conversations that people don't want you in?" Alex laughed, causing me to groan.
At this point, Monty got up and went outside with the other guys, leaving Alex and I to argue.
"Well, do you ever stop pissing everyone off?" I spat back, putting my phone into my pocket.
"Well...Do you ever take a second to think about the fact that you piss me off just as much as I piss you off?" Alex laughed, sarcastically, moving towards me.
"Do you realise that I purposely piss you off because you are an annoying asshole?" I sassed, realising that, by this point, Alex was sat next to me.
"And do you realise that I only do it because I don't know how else to act?" He replied, inching towards my face and whispering the last part in my year, "Because I like you, a lot, and I don't know what to do."

He inched away slightly and our faces were just inches apart. My eyes drifted between his eyes and lips and he noticed, smirking slightly. He closed the gap between us and we shared a short and sweet kiss. He pulled away and we placed our foreheads together.
"I still think you're an asshole." I giggled and Alex rolled his eyes lightly.
"Don't worry, I still hate you." He grinned before connecting our lips once again.

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