Jeff Atkins [5]

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Your POV

"Fuck!" I groaned, slamming my hand violently against the steering wheel of my car.
Jeff and I had just got into an argument and instead of just swallowing my pride and apologising what did I do? I screamed in his face and ran out of his house. I regretted every single word I had said. I regretted making Jeff cry. I hated arguing with Jeff. He was the love of my life, my soulmate, and arguing with him hurt like hell.
"I'm such a stupid stupid bitch!" I angrily hammered my hand against the steering wheel with every word.
Hot streams of tears flooded out of my eyes and fell down my cold and red cheeks. It was 11 pm in autumn and I was sat in my cold car outside my boyfriend's house. I shivered as I dropped my head so it was in my hands, letting out all of my emotions at once. I sobbed thinking about what I may have lost.

I heard a light tap on my car window and I jumped, looking up and realising who was outside. I unlocked the passenger's side door and the man went around and got in. We both sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. I tried to sort my frazzled thoughts into importance so I could speak, but I was unable to. I took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to speak.
"I'm sorry." I choked out before letting another tear rolled down my tear-stained cheeks.
"Me too." He sighed and I felt him look at me.
I faced him and we looked into each others eyes, searching for anything. Any feelings, emotions or words.
"I just..." I began but Jeff cut me off.
"Can we just not explain ourselves." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled slightly, "Let's just drive as far as we can. We don't need to explain ourselves, we are both sorry. I can't lose you tonight...Or ever."
I nodded in response, "I can't lose you ever, you are my everything. I love you. Well, put on your seatbelt."
"I love you too." He smiled and put on his seatbelt.

That night we drove around town until the early hours of the morning talking about anything and everything we could think of.

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