Clay Jensen [5]

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Your POV

"I made you some toast, you need to eat." I smiled as I entered my boyfriend, Clays's, room.
He was sick and he hadn't eaten properly in a few days, I was getting worried.
"I'm not hungry." I heard Clay say as he emerged from his multiple layers of blankets that engulfed him.
"Please Clay, just a few bites. For me." I sat on the edge of his bed and he sighed.
"Fine." He pulled his blankets down and sat up slightly, grabbing the plate from me.
He took a few bites of the toast and I smiled as he did so. 
"Thanks." He said between bites and I nodded.
"That's what I'm here for." I took his plate off of him and put it on his bedside table as he finished his toast, "I bought some supplies."
I grabbed a bag from on the floor and rummaged around for a few seconds, pulling out a few items.
"Take these." I handed him some painkillers and a bottle of water.
He grabbed the painkillers and swallowed them, taking a few gulps of water with them. He mumbled a thanks whilst I grabbed the last few items out of the bag.
"I also bought some snacks and thought we could just watch Netflix and chill together." I suggested and he nodded.
"Sounds good but I don't want you getting ill." He coughed.
"It would be worth it, as long as I get to spend time with you." I grinned, "Now let me have some of the blanket, I can't hug you through them."
Clay smiled and let me sneak under the covers. We spent the rest of the day watching Netflix and snuggling up together.

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